Thursday, June 4, 2015

Snow Cone Party

Every year a girl in our ward who lives just around the corner from us throws an end of the year snow cone party. She has a ton of flavors and gets bags of ice and just lets the kids go to town on snow cones and play. So yesterday I got some laundry done in the morning and then we headed to Costco to grab some things and eat some lunch before heading over to the snow cone party. 
 The boys insisted on wearing their goggles and I didn't care to fight them on it. 

 Wyatt's face looked SO funny!! I tried to help him move them off his eyes like this but he wanted them like this! haha He kept just walking around looking at people and smiling! haha It was so funny! 
 So naturally Ethan had to follow suit! 

After grabbing what we needed we headed home just in time to drop off our stuff and ride scooters over to the party. 

 It was another hot day but the boys had fun eating as many snow cones as they wanted. I enjoyed some snow cones as well and enjoyed talking with some friends. All of my friends were hoping that I would have had my baby by now (so do I). haha The rest of the day was non eventful. Only 5 more days till my induction date and I can't wait!! I am really hoping he will come on Saturday or just come before Tuesday because I am SO...... done! I am just hurting so much. I am not getting sleep because my back hurts just laying on my side and then this baby decides that he needs to push up into my ribs so I don't really look forward to sleep at night. I have a ton of energy during the day and have been getting a ton done and I do not look forward to sleep at night. I just know that I will wake up hurting more than I did before I went to sleep! So I am looking forward to having this baby out of me and to start getting back to normal and not hurting so much! I am so close to having him and yet I feel like it is so far away!! Oh well!! 
Oh and really random but I have to put these funny little facts down about my boys. 
Wyatt one day was coming upstairs and dropped a toy and says, "Oh craters!" haha It is from a cartoon they watch called Miles From Tomorrow Land! It was so funny that he thought to say the phrase from the cartoon! haha He also has called his little man parts a tail! haha 
Ethan the other day while in the shower turned into the corner and I could tell that he was grabbing himself. So I asked him what he was doing (thinking he was peeing in the shower) he turns around and says, "look mom, its dancing!" What a nut!!! haha Another funny thing he said was when he dropped something under the table and said, "oh rat sticks!" haha Where do kids come up with these things! haha 

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