Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ward Halloween Festivities

So now that we are apart of the Bison Ridge Ward we were able to join all the festivities that happen for their ward. So for starters the Bishop's wife plants a bunch of pumpkins each year to be able to give all the primary kids a pumpkin for Halloween (super nice). This year because there are so many more kids that they had last year (since us Timnath folk brought a ton with us) they ended up going out and buying some pumpkins as well to be able to allow all the kids to take one home. There were tons of pumpkins and treats to eat. It was a fun activity and the kids had a blast playing on their play set and all their scooters and bikes and everything. It was a fun morning. 

After the fun at the Bishops we headed home to get everything ready for the Ward Halloween Party that night.

When asking Wyatt who Emmett should be for Halloween Wyatt had to think about it and then he responded with "Ant Man". It was a perfect fit! haha So a black onsie, pants, beanie and some fabric paint later and he was Ant Man. haha He is the cutest Ant Man there is that is for sure!! 

The picture that the lady took at the party did not turn out very well. 

So we had our friends take another one. We look awesome!! I am one scary looking man!! haha 

It was a fun and yet crazy night. We were running all day to get mine and Emmett's costumes ready and cook chili for that night. However, the boys had a blast doing a couple activities that the youth put on and going Trunk or Treating. It was a success! 

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