Sunday, June 5, 2016

May 5th -12th

I love watching my boys have fun together. With Emmett getting older the boys are able to interact with him a little bit more and Emmett loves it. 

Emmett has gotten to big for his play saucer. So I decided to put it away and to get out our slightly broken tunnel. Emmett LOVED it. It is fun playing peek a boo in this tunnel with Emmett just like I did with Ethan and Wyatt. :-) 

Ethan made a deal with me that if he passed his words test at school 2 weeks in a row and got his homework done before Friday and didn't fight me on it, I would take him out for some ice cream. Well he accomplished the task so I took him to get some frozen yogurt. When I mentioned taking him to get ice cream that Friday he said to me, "umm.. can dad take me?" I was kind of sad that Ethan didn't want me to take him but wanted Daddy to. I mean I guess it only makes sense since I don't get to do many of the fun things with the boys. I am stuck being the drill sergeant at home trying to get them to get things done or I am getting things done. Brandon gets to take them golfing and play with them when he gets home. So I can understand that he would want daddy to take him since he is the fun one. However, we convinced him that it would be better that I took him to get ice cream since he was going to go camping with Daddy. It was so much fun. I put all of the strict mommy aside and we were able to be goofy and have fun together. I need to take the boys out individually more often. :-) 

These next pictures is what happens when my boys get a hold of my phone.. haha 

I don't really mind. I like looking at the goofy blurry pictures! :-) 

We gave Emmett his first pickle while at firehouse and at first he didn't know what to do with it. So I had to put it in his mouth so he realized that he was supposed to eat it. Then he went to town. He really likes pickles. Who can blame him... they are delicious!! :-) 

Such a cute little guy! 

For Mothers Day this year Brandon kept trying to be sneaky with his Mothers Day surprises. However, I kept ruining his plans. First we have a vase with fake flowers in it that we have had since our wedding and we keep it on our counter. All of a sudden it was not there anymore. So when Brandon got home from the store one day I asked him where it went. He told me I was not supposed to notice that it was gone. haha Then Saturday night I went out to get some ice cream for Brandon and I to enjoy that evening and when I got back Brandon was putting together breakfast casserole and told me that I was not supposed to be back so fast. haha The one time that he wishes that it had taken me longer to go to cold stone. haha Although I kept thwarting his plans it all worked out great. I got up and got ready for the morning and came down to a yummy breakfast casserole meal and then we went to church and I got to watch Ethan and Wyatt sing on stage which was super cute. Ethan gave me a cute book that he made for me at school and Wyatt made a Mothers Day gift in sunbeams. 

This is how I found Wyatt when I went to pick him up from class. His teacher said that I had to go pick my flower. I think I chose well!! :-) The petals had their feet and hand prints on them. Super cute! 

I also got this from Wyatt! 

On the way home from church Wyatt turned his flower mask over and said it was a dead turtle! haha Silly kid!! :-) 
At home Brandon pulled out what he did for me for Mothers Day. He had filled in our bouquet of flowers from our wedding with greenery and other little white flowers. It turned out super cute! now I can really keep it around! :-) 

One day while Ethan was at school I decided to have Wyatt paint some bread. I had heard of someone doing this a long time ago and decided it would be fun to try it out. So what you do is put food coloring inside milk and then let the kids paint on bread. When they are all done you put the bread in the toaster and then let them eat it. 

Wyatt had fun painting the bread and eating it. Then after we had a ton of green milk left so I got some graham crackers out and let him eat them with his green milk. He thought it was pretty cool! 

Ethan has been into drawing and cutting out hearts for me lately. It is pretty cute, he get so excited to give me the hearts that he makes for me. So I figured I should take a figure of the one he painted! :-)

Nothing better than walking around costco while eating a berry sundae! Sometimes I am a cool mom! :-)

I love this picture because of how Emmett and Wyatt are looking at each other. Its like Emmett is looking and Wyatt in awe and really listening to him. :-) 

It has been so fun to watch them play together a little bit more lately! 

Emmet absoluetly loves to pull himself up to the ottoman and walk around it. 

Emmett loves the grass. Not only does he love to touch it but he loves to try and eat it. haha 

Ethan and Wyatt are such good big brothers. They are always trying to help Emmett out whether that is picking him up or trying to make him happy in the car and trying to keep him from putting grass in his mouth. haha 

We really do have a good life here. Our boys are really good boys and they love each other so much. It is so much fun to watch them play together and I am so glad to be able to be their mom. 

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