Our cute little feisty Emmett! He is 18 months old and weighs in at a whopping 20 lbs. These days he wants to do everything that his brothers do. He can't be out done by his brothers. He tries to copy what they do any chance he gets. We are still giving him a bottle once or twice a day since he doesn't drink a ton of milk from a sippy cup and he doesn't eat enough, so we figure it will give those extra calories he needs. We need to break him of it soon though, he gets too excited for his bottle. Anytime we give him one or we warm it up and he sees us doing so, he does a little happy dance and runs to the family room, laughs all giddy and lays down to get his bottle. I sure wish he would have done this when he was supposed to be drinking his bottles. So he is kind of getting too attached to it and sometimes will just whine for a baba. It has been hard with his teething though. His molars have been taking forever to come through and they are beasts. Emmett goes through phases of not eating much at all or not sleeping very well and just being grumpy because of those dang teeth that are trying to make their appearance. I feel like he has been the worse by far with his teething. We can't wait till he is done with that phase. I just want his teeth to come out faster so he can stop being in so much discomfort all the time. Emmett still seems like a baby to me even though he is running around being a goof ball, saying words and trying to talk with us even though we don't understand a lot of what he tries to say. Emmett has gotten so feisty the last couple of months. Sometimes it really worries me for what is in the near future. Right now his tantrums and feistiness just make me laugh but thats just because he is so little. It won't be as funny when he is older. Luckily, we have already had one fiesty stubborn kid so we are a little more ready to handle it. It sure does not make it any easier but at least we know we can manage. Plus we are a lot more patient this time around than we were when Ethan was little and pushing the boundaries. Emmett can say quite a few words these days. He can say; up, please, dan do (thank you), ball, yellow, cookie (also his favorite word, he calls anything that he really likes a cookie), cereal, quiet, pizza, baba (bottle), bb (pinkie), no (which he says all.. the time), ya, puppy, ew, hello, ni night, baby, pitty (pretty), nana (banana), GG, papa, Daddy, Mommy (which he points to himself when he says it. I think he does it just because he thinks its funny), nose, are you bb?(where are you binkie) and a few others that I can't think of right now. haha He is really expanding his vocabulary and it is fun to hear. He does use "no" a ton!! He likes to scream no at me a lot. He also knows where the candy drawer is and always opens it and says or yells cookie. He is seriously addicted to sugar and we need to get him off of it. haha Anther thing he has been doing lately is hitting his brothers with toys on the head or smacking them and then looking at me and giving me this sheepish little grin as he tilts his head to his shoulder and gives a little giggle. He thinks he is just so cute that he can get away with anything. haha What a little stinker! He has been getting more into his dancing especially when his brothers are showing off. He has to show off too and he always laughs as he dances. He can also do noises for lions, dogs, elephants, fishes and he beats his chest for gorillas. I still can't believe he is a year and a half and that he goes into nursery now. He is getting so big so fast! I sure do love watching his personality shine through more each day. He is a goof ball and a spaz just like his brothers. It is pretty funny to watch! We sure do love this stubborn, fiesty little guy!!
Savage Land Online PDF eBook
6 years ago
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