This little stud Wyatt is growing up too fast!! I just want him to stay little forever. He has always been my easiest kid and it makes it really easy to enjoy him while he is little. This year with Ethan in school has been a little different for Wyatt. He normally plays with Ethan all day and this year it is playing with me and Emmett. He has also acted out a little bit more and I think it is because he is stuck in the middle of his 2 blonde hair, blue eyed, stubborn brothers that get a lot of attention. So it is hard for him being the middle child. Wyatt is a smart little boy but he has gotten sucked into the t.v world which is my fault for letting him watch so much television. He would watch t.v all day if I let him. Anytime he actually gets hurt he always wants to watch some t.v. He has gotten to the point where he will cry and throw a fit when I turn the t.v off in the morning. I remember Ethan doing the same thing but I didn't think Wyatt would get like that too. So I am going to have to try and break him of this habit quickly. He has never really had to play by himself like Ethan did so he doesn't want to play by himself. He wants me to play with him and if I don't he just wants to play on the wii or the iPad or watch t.v. When I finally break him away from the electronics he has fun fighting bad guys in the basement with me or playing games. He has gotten really good with knowing his letters. He can even write his name now. He gets really excited when he tells me how to write his name. There was one time in church in primary when the kids were drawing pictures on little paper lights for the bishop. After they got done the younger kids had their teachers write their names on the back for them. I was subbing in primary that day and Wyatt all of a sudden was really upset. He said, "Mom, my teacher spelled my name wrong." He then told me how to spell his name and said that his teacher didn't spell it that way. I looked at the card and his teacher had written the "t's" together. Wyatt told me that he did the "t's" wrong. He said that he did two lines and then the line across. So then I realized what had happened and I told him that his teacher spelt his name write. Wyatt was not convinced and he was so upset that his teacher had not spelt his name right. haha Wyatt still has such a tender heart and gets very hurt about little things. Today his friends dad threw away his juice box when it wasn't all gone and Wyatt was trying to tell him that he wanted it but the dad didnt hear him. Wyatt came over to me and was tearing up and was really sad because he wanted to drink it. haha He has such a sad little face that it always pulls at my heart strings. Wyatt still loves to shake his hips when he dances and it just makes us laugh so hard. He also has this "I am pretty much the best" face when he shows you his mad skills with pretty much anything. haha It is so funny!! He is such a good big brother to Emmett and does such a good job at trying to include him. Unless he really wants some time with just me! Wyatt is such a silly kid and always wants to feel included and cool. One day a few weeks ago Ethan came upstairs and tells me that Wyatt licked the toilet water. I was very confused and he told me that he had dared him to lick the toilet water and so Wyatt did it. Disgusted I had to tell Wyatt not to do dumb things like that. I told him that just because someone dares him to do something doesn't mean that he has to do it. I then told him to use his brain and think about whether something is smart or not before he does it. I mean seriously?? The toilet water!?? ugh... so gross!!! Wyatt is also in this really rough and tough phase right now. He always wants to wrestle people. There has been a couple of times where we are at Chick Fil A and I look into the play area and I see Wyatt starting to try and wrestle with another kid or jumping off of a parents legs showing them his awesome tricks. I have had to tell him over and over again that he can't just start wrestling anyone and that other people don't want to be jumped on. He thinks he is just having fun and that everyone else thinks it is fun. So I have to keep reminding him to not wrestle with others including us. He will just run and jump on me or Brandon thinking it is fun and Wyatt is a solid kid! haha He is super strong too. I was doing wall sits with him one night and he was doing them with no problem and my legs were burning! haha We sure do love this kid!! He brings so much joy and laughter to our little family. I hope he never looses his easy going and silly personality!
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6 years ago
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