Thursday, July 20, 2017

Family Reunion Part 2

The morning after all of the 4th of July fun Wyatt finally slept in. He slept until after 9. We had to wake him up so that he could get dressed and eat some breakfast in time for us to leave to go see Despicable Me 3. He was so tired and was sleeping so soundly, I felt bad waking him up but we waited as long as we could and he was still really groggy when we woke him up. I was sad that he couldn't sleep until he was ready to wake up. He really needed all the sleep he could get with all the lack of sleep he and all the kids had been getting that week. 

I am still surprised that he kept sleeping with how loud all the kids were in the morning. Thats when you know he is really tired! haha 

All the kids huddled around Brandon watching him play a game. Such a cute picture! 

All of the kiddos ready and excited to see the movie. Oh and eat tons and tons of popcorn! 

We took up almost the entire back row of the theatre. The rest of the day was spent hanging out at the house and letting the kids just run around like wild animals in the backyard and in the house. haha 

The next day was Thursday and the Reunion could officially start because Jason and Devin arrived Wednesday late that night. So Thursday we got up early and got all ready and packed up to head to the Omaha Zoo. It was a SUPER HOT day!! I think we were crazy to go on such a hot day but it worked out and the kids had fun. 

After walking around in the sweltering heat for a couple of hours we decided to take a break from the heat and let the kids play in the splash pad before having some lunch. 

It was a sweet splash park and the kids had a blast!! Even some of us adults got wet in our clothes because it was just too hot to not get wet. After cooling off for a little while we headed over to some tables to eat some lunch. 

Most of the cousins sitting together enjoying some hot dogs for lunch! 

They don't seem too happy to have uncle John in the picture! haha 

Piper is such a cutie pie!!! Oh and look John is in this picture too... 

John just couldn't help himself, he had to be in every picture!! What a picture hog!! haha 

Emmett wouldn't sit still. He kept trying to run off as well as push Devin and Jason's stroller away with him. He is just a busy little body! He sure was happy to be walking around doing whatever he wanted. 

After some lunch we went to a couple more outside animals and then hit all the indoor animals including the aquarium. 

It was nice and cool in the aquarium. The kids all thought the fish and sharks were really cool. 

Then we went to the butterfly exhibit! 

This was Ethan's "Im trying to be super still so that a butterfly will land on me" face. haha 

There were some pretty big and pretty butterflies in the exhibit. 

Cooling off in another little water feature. It is a good thing this Zoo had so many water features and misters because it was blasted hot outside. 

After we had hit pretty much everything it was time to leave. We split up since Ty and Vandy parked in the wrong parking lot and called it a day. John and Coya had parked near our car so we all walked together. We decided to hit the kid adventure area before leaving because it was such a cool area. It was a major mistake!!! It was so hot and there was little relief from the heat in the kid area. So we felt like we were just cooking. It was humid and 95 degrees! It was miserable!! We did not last long before we were getting grumpy and couldn't handle the heat anymore. I swear we would have all gotten heat stroke if we had stayed any longer. Brandon and I were drenched in our own sweat and the kids were getting pretty grumpy and whiny. So we finally rounded them all up after a little bit of fight from Ethan. He was overly hot and tired and that is not a good combo. So he was being a little melodramatic. He started crying by the time we got back to the car because he was so hot and he said his legs were hurting him. Then of coarse the car was a thousand degrees so he cried even more when we got in the car. It took a long time for the car to cool off and we got in the car as fast as we could and headed to sonic to get some slushies and soda. It felt like we were never going to cool off! 

We finally made it to get our drinks and it tasted so good to drink these ice cold drinks for the rest of our drive home. The kids were a lot happier once they got their slushies and could cool off from the inside out. 

Emmett didn't make it to get his slushy. It had been a long day and he hadn't gotten a nap. After being in the sun and that intense heat he conked out pretty fast. He woke up half way home and we gave him his slushy we bought him. He sure was happy to drink that up when he woke up! When we got home it was time for me and Brandon to make dinner. By the time dinner was made and we were able to eat it it was about 6:30. Then it was time to get the kids in bed soon after that and then sit down. I was EXHAUSTED!!! I had been sleeping terrible at night on the air mattress as well as Brandon. That morning I woke up feeling so tired and so I was tired that whole day. It didn't help that we were in hot sun all day and then had to make dinner that night. I was so done by the time the kids got in bed that all I wanted to do was curl up and watch a movie after I took a nice shower. That didn't happen because, well, we were with the Murri's and I don't think Brandon's side of the family believes in watching movies! haha So we played some games and went to bed a little too late yet again. I can't complain too much though.. we did have lots of good laughs and made lots of good memories! We sure were ready to get in bed and sleep once we finally did!! 

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