Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The first good snow of the school year

We had our first pretty good snow fall on November 7th. It said it was supposed to snow during the night and all day the next day. I did not expect to wake up to as much snow as we did. The boys were so excited that it had snowed and couldn't wait to get out and play in it. I told Ethan to get ready for school and next thing I know he was getting on snow clothes. I asked him why he was getting his snow pants on when he had to go to school. He then told me that if he wanted to play on the play ground at school he had to wear his snow clothes. Which makes sense so I helped him get the rest of his stuff on. As soon as Ethan was off to school Wyatt and Emmett wanted to go out and play in the snow. So we got all of our snow stuff on and headed out to shovel the drive way and play in the snow. I had been recovering from my back hurting and since it was feeling pretty good that morning I decided I would just be careful and shovel the driveway. Ya... that was a really bad idea! The rest of the day my back was really hurting and I had to take it easy the rest of the day. Wyatt and Emmett had a blast in the snow. They even started to have a little snow ball fight. 

This was Wyatt's snowman he made all by himself. haha 

They lasted a good amount of time playing in the snow and Wyatt kept taking his gloves off (crazy boy!). It was probably close to an hour before Emmett was cold and ready to go inside. So we headed inside to warm up. It was fun to watch Wyatt and Emmett chasing each other around throwing snow balls at each other. Sadly, it was still too cold to make a snowman. The snow was perfect for snowman making on the driveway but from the grass it was too powdery. I told Wyatt when it warmed up we could make a snowman. As soon as Ethan got home that afternoon Ethan went out in the backyard and all three of them played in the snow until I made them come inside so we could get ready to go to basketball practice. 

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