Thursday, April 22, 2021

Our little bit of time at home before our next trip

After getting back from St. George the kids had a few days left of spring break. So the boys played some Nintendo switch and the Wii and played outside in the some of the snow. We also decided to take them to go play at the arcade at For Fun. They were super excited about that. It had been a long time since we had done the arcade. 


It always feels like the money we spend on cards to play the games goes by way too fast. Luckily, we won a pretty good amount of tickets and each of the kids were able to pick a few prizes. Which never amounts to much. They would have been better off if we had gone to the dollar store and gave them each 10 bucks to spend. haha It was still fun though. 

Brandon and I also headed off to his new future office building to see how the construction was coming along. 

Not too much to see yet but its kind of cool seeing walls going up and all the piping going in. It will be a nice practice when all is said and done. 
Also, after we got back from St. George Kayden woke up throwing up and had a fever yet again. I figured it was because of all the germs he had in his system from sucking on his hands at the park and eating sand. So I pretty much expected him to get sick. I still felt bad that he had a fever and threw up again. He was so sad! Thankfully it didn't last too long. It was longer than his last illness and Brandon stayed home from church that Sunday to let him take a good nap and keep him away from everyone since he was sick. He was feeling better after that Sunday though thankfully! Now if we can get him to stop sucking on his hands while playing at parks and eating sand then he will be much better off! 
Before we knew it the kids were back in school and Brandon and I were heading off on our next adventure. 

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