Friday, April 16, 2021

The cold month of February

After a warm weekend ending January and starting February we had to make sure to warn Papa and Gigi that the coldest was coming. Sure enough February was really cold. We had the first couple of days of the month that were not terrible and then it dropped on us. We had some negative temps and single digits for a while. It was pretty cold. We made the most of it though. 

Kayden loves being outside. He carried these pretzels outside so he could eat them. haha
Our little mischief maker. He is getting into everything these days. If he can't reach it he figures out a way to do so. He also does not give up. No matter how many times you say no and move a chair away he just does it again. 

I even put him in time out once. He was throwing a tantrum and threw a toy. So I told him he was going in time out. I made him put his hands on the wall and stand there. He was so sad and yet kept his hands on the wall and just cried like it was the worst thing that had ever happened to him. I gave him 30 seconds in time out and then made him give me a hug. He was all good after that. Now if we tell him that he is going to go in time out he immediately runs to this corner and puts his hands on the wall. haha It is way too cute! 

Yet again not listening and climbing up on things when I tell him not too. This time he moved the barstool over so he could stand on the trash can in order to get on the counter to see what I was doing. Not very safe to be doing especially when I am cutting French bread with a sharp knife. 

Me and Emmett made some tasty play dough donuts!! yum!!! haha 

These boys are just so stinking cute!! I love how much they love each other! 


Getting donuts with these cuties!! I wanted a cherry cake donut from Lamar's and had mentioned going on the day I thought they were supposed to have them. I was wrong!! It was still a fun donut run and Emmett was super excited to get donuts. He ate that whole huge donut by himself! He won't eat much for lunch or dinner but when it comes to donuts he can put it down. haha 

Cant get enough of this sweet little face!! 

In February we also had a merger party. Brandon and Travis are merging with Guy Leavit and moving into a new building. It is pretty exciting stuff! It is going to be a huge practice and we are excited for the growth it will bring. So in order to get the staff all excited about it as well we held a party for everyone. There was food, a characature artist and a magician. 

It was a fun evening out! 

Wyatt wanted to look good on Valentines Day which is why he wore a belt. haha When I told him I wanted to take a picture this is how he posed! haha Silly kid!! 

This little boy and his blanket!! It is so cute how much he loves his blanket and pinkie! He was so happy to have his blanket and to be going in the "cool car" as he calls it. 

Making a cave to play cheetahs. Someday Emmett will want to be himself and not an animal. At least that is the hope! haha 

Our Valentines Day dessert!! 

Giving the boys their Valentines gifts! They were so excited about it!! They even made me some hearts out of paper!! 

Kayden begging for some of Papa's ice cream. haha 

Kayden always seems to want my protein drink. So I decided to let him have one of the kids ones I had bought from Costco. He was so excited to be drinking one like me and then loved taking pictures of us drinking them. He is such a cutie!!

Why didn't I think of using our leaf blower to blow the snow away! Smart kid! Sadly, the battery was dead. 

The kids love when it snows. They love to play in the snow and build things. This time Emmet and I built a large pyramid! 

The finished product!

Then we got to watch Tyrel give his talk online. 

And we went to church. Kayden looked so cute sitting on the chairs with his brothers. 
That didn't last however, he was constantly on the move since we didn't get into our normal spot to sit. It was impossible to keep him near us. In fact he kept going up to people next to us and saying hi and wanting to sit with them. He is such a social little guy. Reminds me a lot of Wyatt when he was little.

 For some silly reason Kayden likes to put the clean diapers on his head. haha He will even bring a diaper to Daddy so that he can put it on his head. So the kids had a diaper wearing photo session! haha 

Trying to be like his brothers. Eating frozen slushees together. 

This kid loves to stand on the arm rests and then squeal really loud and then jump off. Normally he jumps right onto whoever is next to the arm rest. haha 

Wyatt was very proud of his Cesar Chavez poster. So naturally I had to take picture of it. 

Brandon and I also got our second shots of the Covid 19 vaccine. This was the only picture I got of us after our shots. We are now super human right?? haha The day after our second shots was brutal. I was exhausted. It felt like I was recovering from food poisoning or like I had worked out super hard and been fasting for 2 days. It was a hard day to keep up with little Kayden. Thankfully we didn't really have fevers or anything. So it was doable. Just not ideal. Especially since both Brandon and I had gotten them on the same day. So we were both tired that day. After 24 hours I felt all better. Brandon's lymph nodes were hurting him after the 24 hour mark. He was pretty sore and still tired for the next day as well. I was able to get back to feeling normal way faster than he was. Thankfully that is over now and we can now go about without worrying that we are going to catch Covid and be out for 2 weeks. Especially for Brandon. He needs to be able to keep working! We have too many things going on for him to be out for 2 weeks. 

Lastly, poor little Kayden came down with some little illness. He woke up crying in the morning which isn't like him. So when I got in his room he threw up and had a fever. Poor little guy. On the way to get Donuts he threw up in the car. He just looked so sickly. I felt so bad for him. Thankfully, it didn't last long and he was up and running around the next day. Still didn't want to eat all that much but he was acting way better and didn't have a fever anymore. We were glad it was only a 24 hour thing. 

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