Thursday, December 15, 2022

Back to life and enjoying fall

 After our super fun trip to the Dominican Republic it was back to life as usual. The kids went back to school and Brandon went back to work. So Kayden and I were on our own to make the most of our days. Since it was officially October it was time to get ready for Halloween. We did some fun Halloween activities and enjoyed the nice weather. This October the weather was really nice. Last year we had some snow and really cold weather for Halloween. This year we had a lot of really nice fall weather and even enjoyed the temps getting close to 80 right before Halloween. Here are some of the activities we did to enjoy Fall. 

We decided to do Tin Foil dinners in the fire pit now that the pad was finished. The kids were super excited about that. We sat outside and ate our dinner by the fire and then roasted marshmallows. 

We even read out scriptures outside by the fire. It was Sunday when we had our fire outside so we figured we better make sure to read our scriptures and have some kind of lesson. 

The boys had a blast throwing dead leaves into the fire to help it grow bigger. It was a nice evening. A little stressful with Kayden getting too close for comfort at times. Thankfully, we had no accidents and we were able to just enjoy the night by the fire. 

While we were outside enjoying the last little bit of the warmth of the fire we practiced the song we were going to be singing in Church the next week. We were singing as a family, "Choose Him Again". So we practiced by the fire that night. The kids really enjoyed it. I think they felt a little special singing all together. We also had a good impromtu lesson by the fire after our scriptures. It all worked out perfectly as we were reading in Alma about Faith. So I ended up talking to the boys about how they have to gain their own testimonies. We talked about how I can tell Kayden all I want to that the fire it hot, but, until he ends up touching it he won't truly know for himself. The kids seemed to really listen and understand while we were out there by the fire. I have to say it was probably the best they have listened in one of our lessons in a long time. haha So that was really nice! 

Out for a walk and trying to pick colorful leaves. 

Such a silly kid. I picked a leaf for him that apparently was not good enough. So he wanted to try and climb this little tree. It didn't work out the way he thought it would. He didn't make it very far! haha 

Then Wyatt and Emmett had a day off of school. So I took the 3 boys to the Discovery Museum in Fort Collins. It was crazy busy because of some of the schools being out that day. 

The kids still had fun though. They enjoy going to this museum. Plus they had a different exhibit open that they got to explore. It has been quite a while since we have gone to this museum. It is kind of nice though when he weather isn't great or you just want to get the kids out of the house and away from screens. 

After the museum we went to the park that is just down the hill from the museum. 

The kids had fun with that too. It was a little windier than I liked and I can't sit down because I bruised my tailbone the end of August. So I got tired of standing around after a little while. 

I also took the younger 3 to get their flu shots at Costco. Kayden was super brave at first. Wyatt and Emmett went first and showed them how to be tough. The problem is that when Kayden got stuck with the needle he moved his arm. I totally spaced the need to hold his arms down tight. Thankfully, the needle did not come out of his arms and the lady was able to shove the meds in quick. Then she told him he was so brave and gave the kids all fruit snacks. As we were leaving the room Kayden started telling an older lady that he got a shot and was showing her his bandaid. haha Then he toughened up and showed me his muscles.

Off to Top Golf! 

We had planned to go down to Top Golf and then hit a pumpkin patch down that direction. However, as we were playing golf I looked up the pumpkin patch. It was like 25 bucks a person to get in. That is INSANE!!! So we changed our minds and grabbed IN N OUT and went to the outlets to look around for a bit and then made our way home. We were not going to spend over 100 bucks to go to a pumpkin patch. 

So then we looked up the pumpkin patch near us. It was free entrance and then you can pay for the corn maze or other things you wanted to do. So that is what we did on Saturday instead!

I love this picture of Kayden and Brandon. He isn't holding his Dad's hand, no, they are both holding the ear of corn. haha 
Kayden had fun in the corn maze picking the corn and pulling off the husks. Then he cut his finger on a husk and then he was not a happy camper. Ethan, Wyatt and Emmett had fun running around through the corn maze with Brandon. Then towards the end Wyatt decided he knew where he was going and took off running. The problem was that he was running in the opposite direction of where we were supposed to be heading. So we walked the correct way and mad your way out of the maze. Then we waited for like 10 minutes for Wyatt to show. When he didn't show we sent Ethan in to go find him. We waited for probably another 10 minutes for them to finally make their way out of the maze. Then it was time to head home! 

Let this bath water go a little too high and Kayden was loving it. He wanted me to keep it on longer. I had to explain that if I did the water would start flowing out of the tub. He never gets baths with this much water in it. haha 

Emmett put on a finger puppet show for Kayden. haha 

Another thing that happened in October is we got new carpet. Our carpet was so gross!! We have been thinking of doing it for a little while now but didn't want to spend the money. However, one of our realtor friends Cameron told us that if we think the carpet is gross then potential home buyers will really think it is gross. So we bit the bullet and bought carpet from Home Depot. 
Brandon getting the stairs ready for the carpet. We decided to not do the carpet stingers. So Brandon had to pull the carpet and clean up the wood and paint it before we got our carpet in. 

Then the boys were put to work to take down their beds. 

Getting new carpet felt like we were moving. We had to take down all the beds and move out the dressers and everything. It was a lot of work. Thankfully my parents were able to help and we had the missionaries come over to help move some things as well. 

Ready for new carpet!! 
We really needed to get new carpet! 

Here is comes!!
Vacuuming up all the gross dust under the old carpet and pad. There was green dust everywhere from where the pad was wearing down. 

This kid was so tired and so grumpy!! 

Looks so much nicer!!!!! It also feels so much nicer!! Hopefully this also helps us sell our house when it's time to do so! 

I was able to take my Mom our for a Birthday lunch this year. Thankfully, this year I had Kayden go play with Theo while I went out to lunch with my Mom. It was nice to be able to chat with my Mom without Kayden there for a bit. 

The Bloody nose from Hades! haha I walked in to see blood all over the mirror and all over Ethans face. I laughed and asked who beat him up. Apparently he has sneezed right as he got a bloody nose so it sprayed all over the place. So sick!! haha 

Emmett is enjoying basketball this year! It was a rough start because he didn't know what to do and the coach didn't have them do all that much the first few practices. It got better after that though. At least he is having fun with it. 

Lastly, we signed up to the pumpkin carving festivities at the Harmony club. It was such a nice day to be outside. The best part about this was they had some food catered and we didn't have to clean up any of the pumpkin mess. We picked out a pumpkin and carved them and then went home. 

Kayden is still not a fan of the pumpkin guts!! 

The other 3 boys did a pretty good job on their own this year. They used the little carving knives and went to town. Emmett got some help and if the others needed help with anything we helped them. Otherwise they did it pretty much on their own. 

After it was all said and done then Kayden was willing to put his hands in the pumpkin. haha 

Emmett drew his face and carved it out. He did a good job!! Look at that scary pumpkin. 

Papa and Gigi came with us and got to carve a pumpkin too. Gigi picked which one she wanted to do and then Papa carved it. haha It turned out really good! It was a fun outing. 

Brandon and Ethan were tired by the time we got home though. They had gotten up a little earlier and went to Red Feather Lakes with the youth to do a service project. 

So after a morning of clearing wood they were tired. So it was a good day all in all and we enjoyed the fun Fall and Halloween Festivities. 

Also, Kayden has been loving all the fallen leaves. He loves to play in them and jump in them. 

Lastly, Ethan almost got a hole in one out golfing with Brandon at Harmony. Ethan was so stoked that he got that close. I told Brandon he better watch out Ethan may get a hole in one before he does. hahaha

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