Saturday, December 17, 2022

Oh Christmas Tree!!

 I always get excited for Halloween to be over because that means its time to put up the tree! It always looks so nice when the tree is put up. Adds so much color and the lights just look so nice! It makes me so happy! We didn't make it happen on November 1st this year because it was a little busy. However, that first Sunday after Halloween we successfully put up the tree. It was great! Kayden was excited about it and so were all the other boys. 

Its funny seeing how the kids decorate the tree. The ornaments are always clustered together and it makes me laugh. Ethan is old enough that he tries to spread them out. Wyatt tells me that he likes putting all of his ornaments in the same area. I told him he needs to spread them out a little bit so it looks nice. Kayden did pretty good this year with putting ornaments on. They ended up clustered but some of them he put in other spots. He also was wishing he had more to put on the tree. I think he was a little jealous that the other boys had more ornaments to put on. 

It was Emmetts year to put the star on top! He was super excited to do it. Sadly, the star we have is not the easiest to put on the tree. So he did his best and then Brandon had to fix it so it would stay up there. haha 


Then Papa and Gigi came over that evening and Gigi gave us a quilt she made for us. She does such a good job making these quilts. Kayden was so happy about the quilt it was super cute. He kept talking about the Christmas Blanket Gigi made for us. 

In fact, the next morning when Kayden got up he wanted the Christmas blanket to cuddle in instead of the other blankets we have. Which I don't blame him... It is a pretty special blanket because Gigi made it! 

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