Monday, September 28, 2015

3 Months old already!

I can't believe how fast time goes these days. This little man hit 3 months on the 15 of this month. How has it already been 3 months. It seems so crazy that it has already been 3 months and yet it feels like he has been in our family forever. I just love this sweet little boy. He is such a happy baby. He only gets upset when he is hungry or tired. Other than that he is just happy hanging out wherever you put him. He does such a good job on his tummy. He will be happy for probably 10 minutes, maybe more on his tummy. He will look around and stare at toys, yell, talk and then lay down and suck on his fingers. haha He has a blast in his play saucer and caught on really fast with the rattles on it. He has started to light up and smile when I go in his room to get him out of his bed. I will look in at him and say hi and he will give me a huge smile. I LOVE IT!!!! He is starting to laugh more and more. I have gotten a little more than a chuckle out of him a few times. He has not full on laughed yet but he is so close to full on laughing. He does not like it when kids scream, it makes him cry. haha He loves to yell which is super funny. He normally yells more when he is getting tired or when he is hungry and ready for his bottle. He then yells a ton. It is like he is screaming at us trying to let us know what he wants. Then other times he will just yell because that is what he wants to do! haha He coos and I think just likes to hear himself. Something else I LOVE is whenever I hold him on my hip with one arm he will reach for my hand around his waste so he can grab my hand. It is the cutest thing ever! I could let this little guy hold onto my hands forever. He still only poops about 1 time a week and when he does it is the most rank poop I have ever smelt. It seriously smells like a skunk sometimes! haha It is so weird to not have poopie diapers all the time. We have not used much of our diaper gene since we only have pee diapers for 6 out of 7 days. It is nice to not have to change poop diapers all the time but it is kind of weird having a little baby and only having to change a stinky diaper once a week. haha Oh well I will enjoy it while I can I guess! :-) He has only rolled over once from his tummy to his back which was on August 31st. He just does not seem to care very much. He also is just happy looking up at you when on his back. He does not look around all that much. So I have to keep trying to move around and get him to look different places instead of just straight up at the ceiling. I am always so worried about my babies getting flat heads and so I am always trying to move them around instead of just letting them be happy doing what they want. haha So here are some pictures of our sweet 3 month old! 

I took these pictures on my phone the day he hit 3 months. 

These once below are ones that I took on my camera when he was 12 weeks old. So I think they still count for 3 month pictures! 

Man he is such a cutie pie!!! 

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