Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September 1st-10th

Well life is going great these days. Ethan Loves school, Wyatt enjoys the time at home with me and Emmett, and Emmett is just happy and enjoys being home whenever we are. So here are some pictures of mostly our life while Ethan is at school. 

Wyatt angry hulk or spiderman or ninja turtle face. I can't remember what he was being this time! haha 

Then one night Brandon took Ethan to a Bronco's game with his partner Travis and Travi's son. So while they went to the football game Wyatt, Emmett and I hung out at home and then went to chick fil a for dinner and met up with Travis' wife and their youngest boy. 

Wyatt wanted to hide his motorcycle. So we build a house around the motorcycle and then Wyatt started to just throw more legos on top to hide him. Haha

Emmett loves his little crinkly books. It is fun to watch him play with them. 

We ended up meeting up with Brandon's partners wife and their youngest son for dinner. It was fun to talk to RaQuelle about almost everything under the sun. Wyatt and Casin had fun together. Except Cassin decided he was going to try and bug Wyatt as much as he could. haha He kept telling Wyatt that he was going to eat his food, which would get Wyatt all rialled up because he didn't want Cassin to eat his food. Then Cassin kept saying that Emmett was his baby. That made Wyatt upset as well. Wyatt kept saying, "No! He is not your baby. He is our baby!" Wyatt was getting pretty upset. I had to keep telling him it was ok and that Cassin knew that Emmett was not his baby. haha Sad to say but I think Wyatt was glad when they left. haha 

Wyatt was pretty excited to have some ice cream after dinner! haha He always is! :-) 

These are the pics that Brandon sent me from their Broncos game night! 
They had a blast at the game!! 

One day Wyatt disappeared into the bathroom and when he came out he comes over to Brandon and I and says, "I'm a stud." haha He had put water on his hair like we do when we spike it and then put a ton of jell in his hair. It was so plastered and nasty. All we could do was laugh, so I had to get a picture of it! 

Wyatt has been into using the baby play matts as tents. So he will grab what blankets he can and cover the toy and then go hide inside. So one day we got the flashlight and then read to book as he laid inside and I tried to lay inside! haha He thought it was pretty awesome. 

Then Wyatt and I went and picked our carrots out of our garden. 

He was such a good helper with cleaning them. 

He sure liked eating them too! :-) 

Our somewhat successful carrots. They were better than last years. 

Having fun taking pics with little man. I think he liked looking at the camera since I had it turned around so we could see ourselves. Next time maybe I will get a smile out of him while doing this! haha 

Getting so strong!

I do love having my wrap. It is fun to have Emmett all snuggled up on me while he sleeps and yet I can go to the park with Wyatt! Best of both worlds! :-) 

We went mini golfing one day and I tried to get Emmett to fall asleep in the wrap while I mini golfed. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. haha
Lastly, this is one of Ethan's homework assignments. He was told to decorate this gingerbread man as a self portrait. So Brandon helped guide him and Ethan made the decisions on what to put where. I think it is a pretty awesome self portrait! :-) He told me that he drew shoes and the laces on his feet! haha He sure does love school!

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