Monday, September 21, 2015

A kindergartner? How did that happen?

This year Ethan started Kindergarten. It is crazy to think that he is old enough to go to school. So the night before school he was able to get his first Fathers blessing (besides his baby blessing). It is still crazy that it is now that time in our lives as parents that Brandon gets to start giving Father's blessing each year before school. 

What a special thing to be able to experience watching my hubby give our son a fathers blessing before school! Love my boys!! 

Then after we played the bean game. 

The many poses of Wyatt! haha 
The bean game is just a game that I used to play growing up where you balance some beans on a spoon and try to get them into a bowl across the room without spilling. I think other people call it don't spill the beans! haha 

First Day of Kindergarten

What a handsome kindergartener I have! 

Walking to the bus stop! 

On the bus for the first time! 
Can't believe how grown up he is getting! 

After dropping off Ethan at the bus stop I packed up Wyatt and Emmett and we headed to Bethke to meet Ethan there. 

Wyatt was so excited to see Ethan that he ran up and gave him a big hug! :-) 
Oh man my heart just melts seeing this pic! :-) 

Ethan standing in line with his class after the bell rang. 

Off he goes!! 
His school career has officially started and now the schooling won't stop. 
Where did the time go!

This is the poem that Ethan's teacher Mrs. Eddy gave to the parents after dropping off the kids for their first day of school! Pretty cute! I have to say I did cry a little bit when I read it! haha

While Ethan was at school I got to hang out with just Wyatt and Emmett. 
Wyatt was jealous of Ethan's homework assignment of decorating a ginger bread man. So while Ethan was at school I let Wyatt just decorate a piece of paper.

He said it was Mickey Mouse. haha 

Emmett is just a cutie and growing up way too fast!! 

After school Wyatt was excited to play with Ethan. They played the rest of the day and then we had to go to Ethan's first soccer practice. 

He was all excited about it. However, I think the first day of school tired him out. He just kept walking after the ball and then we would see him laying down in the middle of the field! haha Silly kid! 
It was a big day of firsts for Ethan. Going on the bus to kindergarten and then playing soccer for the first time. 
Ethan said that he LOVED the bus. He said, "Our headed were bouncing all over the place." haha He also really liked his class and was super excited to show us what they did that day. He has really been enjoying school so far. He only had 3 days of school the first week. With half day kindergarten they stager start them. So Ethan went on Tuesday for the first time and then had Wednesday off and then went back for Thursday and Friday. I think it was the best way to start school. I am also glad that he only goes for half day kindergarten. Wyatt and Ethan play so well together that I really can get a lot done because they just play together. The only thing that I do not like about half day is that I have to go pick Ethan up from school at 11:30. It makes for a very quick morning. Not only that, but, Emmett is either sleeping or hungry by the time we have to go pick him up. So it messes him up for the rest of the day. Hopefully that won't be the case all year round, but I won't get my hopes up! Besides that it was a good start to the school year. I only got emotional as I drove to the school to see Ethan when he got there. I really didn't have time to get emotional about it because I had Wyatt and Emmett with me and I was trying to take pictures. I probably would have gotten more emotional if I had not been trying to do so much! haha Ethan's teacher also sent the parents home with this cute poem. 

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