Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Cute Kayden

Our sweet little Kayden is just so funny. We love seeing his personality shine more each day. He says so many things it is hard to think of what to write. His little sentences always surprise me. The logic behind what he says is so fun to hear and it is just too cute. We all sure do love him and are so glad he is was sent to us as our caboose. 

While putting my makeup on Kayden has to follow me and climb up by my sink. He tries to get in to everything of mine and open everything. This time he did his own makeup. haha 
He LOVES to open up the mail boxes.

We will go outside to let him ride around the block on his little wiggle car and he will stop at the mailbox and just keep opening them up. He would stay there and play forever if I let him. 

He also loves when its garbage day. We will be sitting at the table eating lunch and he will hear the trucks coming. He will says, "Hear dat?" Garbage truck coming!" Then he will want to see it. So sometimes when the weather is nice I will take him outside to watch the trucks come by and pick up our garbage. He thinks it is so cool! 

Brother LOVE!!! Whenever we read to the boys at night Kayden likes to join in and usually lays in bed with Ethan. He is just too cute and we all can't get enough! Kayden thinks he can sleep in bed with Ethan when we does this and is bummed when we tell him he can't. 

The only time he wore a mask at church. He kept it on for a few minutes which was longer than I had anticipated him keeping it on. He looked so stinking cute with that little mask covering half of his face. 
Some of the words he says that are just too cute not to write down are: Lalo which later turned to lawter (water), packback (backpack), bepfast (breakfast), bawful (careful) and when its time for the boys to get ready for bed and brush their teeth Kayden will run upstairs with the crew and yell what sounds like "Butt cheeks" he is really saying brush teeths but he doesn't say it very pronounced and it is so funny when he says it. It is fun to watch him getting bigger and able to do more things but it is also sad. I love his little self and I do wish time would slow down a little bit so we could enjoy his little voice and cute words and phrases for even longer. We sure do love this little guy! He will always be my baby!! 

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