Sunday, September 26, 2021

Wyatt's Birthday

Wyatt turned 9!!! What the heck! He is almost in the double digits now too! 
Anyways, Wyatt and Papa's birthdays were on a Sunday this year. So we celebrated some on the Saturday before. We scheduled for Wyatt to invite a few friends for a little birthday party. So Brandon took Wyatt and some friends to Fort Fun to do some mini golf and arcade games. I stayed home with Kayden while they went. I don't have many pictures from his birthday because I was in a lot of pain. So I didn't do much with them. I did make it to dinner at Freddy's with the crew. That is what Wyatt wanted to dinner. 

Wyatt said he had a lot of fun at his Birthday party with his friends. So I am glad he had fun doing that even though I couldn't be there to watch them. 

Wyatt was so excited to get money for his birthday from Grandma and Grandpa Murri. He couldn't believe how much he got and couldn't wait to spend it. haha 

We usually go out for birthday donuts but Wyatt didn't want to this year. He just wanted cereal! WHAT??? Any excuse to get donuts is a good excuse to me. So I couldn't believe Wyatt didn't want them. It was his birthday weekend though so we did what he wanted. 

On Sunday Wyatt got to open up his presents since it was officially his birthday! 

Kadyen was almost more excited about Wyatt's baby yoda! haha As soon as Wyatt opened it Kayden yelled, "Baby Yoda!!" then he wanted to hold it. haha It was pretty cute! 

He was so excited about his gifts. He is always so grateful for what he gets. Plus he was excited to try out his new scooter! 

Wyatt does not like cake very much. So he wanted brownies again this year. However, he wanted brownies but also wanted it to be decorated like I usually do for birthday's. He wanted a basketball/scooter brownie. So Brandon did just that! haha 

Still can't believe this is Wyatt's last year in the single digits. He is still such a tender hearted kid and a people pleaser for sure. He still loves to be in the spot light and loves his brothers. He has really enjoyed basketball lately as well as golf. School comes pretty easy to him and he is a great reader. Wyatt also can't get enough of Kayden. Kayden will say something cute to Wyatt and Wyatt will just melt and say, "Aww... he is so cute!" He is a good helper around the house and has learned to do the dishes which he is really good at. If I ask him to help me with something, especially since I have been injured, he will jump right at the opportunity to help out. He is such a good kid and we are excited to see what the futures brings for him. 

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