Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2 months old already!!

Weight 10 lbs 4 oz (10%)
Height: 24 inches (70%)

Two months Old!! I can't believe how fast time is flying. He is growing up so fast and although it is fun , it is also sad that he is getting so big so fast. Time goes by too quickly, so I am trying to enjoy him this little as much as I can. Well lets see he his 2 months the Monday after Thanksgiving November 26th. We were still in California and I figured I needed a picture so I took one on my phone. Ya I know not too exciting but oh well at least I took one on the day he hit 2 months. 

Wyatt is such a sweetheart!! He is a super smilie kid and I love it. He has such a cute big smile and he is just always smiling which is so much fun. I wish I would have put down in my notes on my phone the day that he did start to smile at us but I didn't and I am kicking myself for it. I like to document when they start doing things for the first time. Oh well, I can't do anything about it now. Anyways, he is a good baby. He really only cries when he is hungry, tired, or has a dirty diaper. The rest of the time he is just a happy smilie little boy. He holds his head up really well. In fact he held his head up really well the day that he was born (which I think is because he used his neck muscles all the time inside of me as he lifted up and out of my ribs all the time). He is becoming more of a fun baby than an infant which is fun. I enjoy the newborn phase because they are so little but I also enjoy it as they get bigger and interact more. Wyatt also LOVES to have his diaper changed. As soon as that diaper comes off he is kicking and smiling away. It is the funniest thing. Then the new diaper goes on and he just smiles and kicks some more. However, he screams... if you change his diaper when he is super tired and when he is really hungry. He is way more of a screamer than Ethan was. Ethan cried a lot but Wyatt screams! haha It is funny though and it does not bug me. I find it funny how different things are the second time around with a baby. I remember getting so frustrated with Ethan when he was crying, but, with Wyatt I have more patients. Let see Wyatt also does not spit up half as much as Ethan did. He really only spits up once in a blue moon. It is lovely!! That is one thing that I was not looking forward to with having a another baby since Ethan spit up so... much! So it is nice having a baby that doesn't. I dont even bring burp clothes with me because I never use them. If he does spit up when I am out then it is so small that I just grab his blanket and wipe it off. There have been only a few times where he has spit up a good amount and I figure that is only because I didn't burp him good enough between switching sides while feeding him. Nursing is going well this time around thankfully and I am enjoying it even though he takes like 40 minutes to eat, but oh well I am getting used to it and some times he does take less time but for the most part it is about 40 minutes. So by the time I have burped him and changed his diaper it has been like an hour. So it is kind of taxing on me and Ethan, but then Wyatt is nothing but smiles when he is done. He does not like tummy time just like Ethan didn't but I think all babies are that way, and he seems to be a mama's boy which I don't mind at all! :-) Lets see.. another thing about Wyatt is he is SUPER gassy all the time. You can hear his tummy grumble all of the time, it is nuts!! When he is going to sleep he is always doing toot smiles and one time a while back he started to do a little giggle while giving a toot smile! It was so funny! He is not sleeping through the night yet but he has his nights where he basically does. He has had a few times where he goes 7-8 hours between feedings. Other times it is 4-5 hours. So most of the time he is up once between 1-3 and then again between 5-7 all depending on when the first feeding was of coarse. So he is doing pretty well but I will be happy when he does start sleeping through the night and Brandon and I can enjoy some time with each other at night and not have to worry about being up a few times at night. However, I do realize that once he is sleeping through the night that teething will be following and then we wont be sleeping through the night again. So I just wont worry about it. It is different this time around since I am nursing. I am the one that has to get up with Wyatt every time. Since Ethan was bottle fed we would switch off sometimes. Not this time around. So I get kind of jealous of Brandon sometimes as I am up again feeding Wyatt and he is in bed sleeping. But, I do get that time to just enjoy looking at Wyatt's sweet little face and not having to worry about where Ethan is at that moment. Wyatt also has chubbier legs already than Ethan ever had and we Love them! haha He is just so stinking cute!! He is also a chatter box. He coos all the time and it is so cute. He has this little raspy voice and I love it!! Another thing about him is that he has this cute little whinny coo that he does when he wants to be paid attention to or when he is just trying to tell you something. It is so cute, I love his little whinny coos! Well I think that is about it for the update of Wyatt at 2 months old. Still can't believe how fast time is flying! 

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