Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Break 2012

For Thanksgiving this year we headed to California again. We had no other plans and since no one was going to be going to Idaho for Thanksgiving this year we figured we would join my family again. It was a fun and relaxing thanksgiving. My sisters Ashley and Tifany were there, along with Tifany's boyfriend Quinton. We just hungout a lot and played some games, relaxed and ate way too much! It was nice having some extra help with the kiddos while we were there. Ethan had a blast chasing Aunt Ashley around the house and just having a little bit extra attention on him. One of the nights my mom and dad watched Ethan and Wyatt so that me, Brandon, Ashley, Tifany and Quinton could go see the last Twilight movie. It was so nice to get out for a little bit without the kids, even though I did miss them a little bit! :-) We had a lot of fun for thanksgiving and I am glad that we decided to be there instead of being just our little family. So here are some pictures!

Then after Thanksgiving week Brandon headed home on that Sunday to be back for school. I stayed in California with the kids because Brandon had to study for his boards all week. So we stayed in California so that he could just study and not worry about us at home. Plus I did not really want to have to be alone all day everyday for 2 weeks, so we figured I would stay and have some help with the kids and Brandon would be able to study as much as he needed to and be able to get some good sleep at night. So while Brandon studied at home, me and the kids hungout at Grandpa and GG's house until that next Friday which was the last day in November. Then my parents would drive us back to Arizona and we would bless Wyatt that Sunday. So it all worked out perfect. So during that week we only got out of the house twice. haha The kids schedules kept conflicting with each other so by the time Wyatt was feed and ready to go Ethan would be grumpy and ready to go down for a nap. So we only got out 2 out of the 4 days that we had to be there before we headed back home. Even though we didnt get out much we still had fun. We picked up some craft stuff from Hobby Lobby for Ethan to do and for me to do. We got some christmas crafts for Ethan to do and for me we got stuff to do a felt christmas tree for Ethan to play with, as well as stuff to make a flannel board and we canvased a couple of pictures. It was a fun week even though Ethan caught a cold and my hubby was not there to be with me. Oh well he had to study and it was the best thing for all of us. So here are some pictures from that part of my break!

One of our crafts! :-) Ethan made a tree for Brandon (left), himself (right) and I made one for myself! Fun little craft!

Then this is what Ethan decided to do with the other foam sticky things. Instead of putting them on the snow flakes or the ornaments he stuck them on himself! What a goof ball! haha

Then we tried putting Wyatt in the bumbo that my mom bought. He was doing really well in it so I figured I would take some pictures of my boys! :-) 

Then of coarse my mom had to do a little photo shoot!! Which I do not mind because then I have some super cute pictures of my boys! :-) So here are those pictures of my 2 cute munchkins in their festive Holiday outfits! :-)

I seriously have the cutest kids!! Can't get enough of those little boys!!

I took this last picture on our drive back to Arizona. Wyatt is so funny in the car, it was dark and he could not see anything so he starts to fuss. As soon as I turned the light on he stopped and just stared at me. What a cute little stinker! :-) Ethan walked movies the whole way home basically. I LOVE DVD players in the car. They are seriously life savors! So we left Friday afternoon and got into Arizona around 9:30 or so and Ethan was so excited to be home and to see his Daddy. He went bonkers running around and playing with Daddy. It always feels good to get back home. Especially since my other half was missing!! I am seriously so blessed. If I were to list everything I am thankful for it would take way too long and way too much space on here. So I will just mention how thankful I am to my Heavenly Father who has blessed me with an amazing husband and two adorable amazing children. I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who was willing to send into my care these 2 beautiful children and any other children we may be blest with in the future. Also I am thankful for all of my family. Lastly I am thankful for the knowledge that I can be with my family forever. It would not be heaven without them! Happy Thanksgiving! 

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