Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Beginning life as a family of FOUR! :-)

Well we were finally home on Friday and our new life as a family of 4 was starting. I was very thankful to have my mom stay and help for another week while I was pretty much out of commission. I was able to relax and take naps and enjoy my new little baby a little bit more. My mom helped out a ton, she played with Ethan and cooked and cleaned and was just there to help out with anything and it was seriously the best help ever. It would have been so hard to take care of Ethan and Wyatt being sore from just having a c-section. So that first week home I walked around the house a little bit and worked of getting my nursing under control and every now and then I would try to be a little bit more involved with Ethan. Ethan did have a hard in the beginning because I could not have him sit on my lap and I could not run around or crawl after him like I normally could. So Ethan had a little bit of a hard adjustment to having a little brother around because I devoted so much time to Wyatt and I could not devote as much time to Ethan. However, we did buy Ethan squirt guns before we had Wyatt so that he could play with Grandpa and whoever with the squirt guns and have something fun to do. My mom also bought him some play dough and other little things to play with so that he could have something fun to do while I was busy. We also got Ethan a buzz lightyear toy from Wyatt since Ethan loves Buzz Lightyear so much. He was pretty happy about it which was good! It is hard having a c-section when you have such a funny kid. There were some situations where Ethan was just being such a goof ball that I had to go away from him because I was starting to laugh too hard and it hurt! That is something that sucks about having a c-section and having such cute funny kids! Anyways, so we moved our reclining chair downstairs into our family room and the pack n play into the family room as well so that I could sleep downstairs and wouldn't have to climb the stairs. So our family room was a big mess for quite a while. Also while my mom was here she took a bunch of newborn pictures of Wyatt which I will be putting in a different post once I get them edited or have them edited and sent to me. But, for now we just have a bunch of pictures from what my phone and what went on during that week my mom was there. My dad had to leave after the weekend to go back to work but then he flew back into town the next weekend to hangout again and to drive home with my mom. So they were here for conference weekend and by then I was feeling much better. Still sore, but not as bad. Then after they left Brandon's mom came to help for a few days. It was so helpful to have both of my moms come and help while I was recovering. We had fun with Brandon's mom here and were sad to see her go as well. Then the real work started. Thankfully I was doing a lot better so I could take care of both of my boys by myself. I still had to take it easy and if I didn't I felt pretty sore. We also finally moved upstairs to sleep in our own bed after that 3 week mark. It felt good to sleep in my own bed but my insides were still sore and would hurt myself if I jumped out of bed to quickly. I tried to take it slow but it was hard to if I heard Wyatt make a choking noise. I would jump right out of bed and would be regretting it as soon as I did. Oh well, you do what you have to do! Another nice thing was that my boys would go down for naps at the same times a few days so when they did that I would take a nap. I was so thankful that I could get a nap almost everyday when Ethan went down for his nap since Wyatt would be sleeping too, it was great! Ethan has been adjusting ok. Sometimes are better than others. He thought it was so funny when Wyatt would have the hiccups or if Wyatt was looking at him. However, he got scared of Wyatt after seeing his umbilical cord. He got this disgusted look and was saying it was an owie. I told him it was ok but he did not like it. So when that finally fell off it was a little bit better. I just can't wait till they can be buds and play together. For now though, I will enjoy Wyatt being so little and sweet! I am so lucky to have such a sweet family. I can't believe we are a family of four now and I love it. Sometimes taking care of them both is hard because Wyatt takes so long to nurse and for a while there it felt like I was either nursing him or trying to rock him to sleep. Which left little time to play with Ethan and I think that added to his aggressive behavior. So that first week of being by myself and taking care of my two munchkins was kind of crazy and by the time Brandon got home I would normally hand Wyatt to him because he was crying and I needed to either get Ethan out of time out or go sit down because I was feeling sore and tired! We also ended up just grabbing some fast food quite a bit in the beginning because I didn't have time to make dinner. Another hard thing that happened a few times while I was just getting used to taking care of my two boy on my own was that on Monday mornings Wyatt would have a really hard time. I remember a few mornings or at least a few Monday mornings where I was either nursing Wyatt or trying to get him to go to sleep basically all morning. I remember starting right after Ethan was up, so probably around 8 or 8:30 in the morning I would start to feed Wyatt and I would get like 30 minutes the whole morning until noon or 1 that I could put Wyatt down. It took a toll really quickly and I was getting burnt out pretty quick. Then once I finally got Wyatt down I would go outside to play with Ethan and give him some play time with me. So by nap time I was so dead!! Luckily things started getting better pretty quick and it has all been worth it! Also just like when Ethan was a baby we had to go in for a weight check with Wyatt. Luckily we only had to go in one time for a weight check. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz at his 2 week check which was weird because they weighed him in at 7 lbs 9 oz when we went in for his circumcision. So they had us come in a week later and within that week I pumped a lot to get my milk production up because we thought maybe it was low. So we did that and fed Wyatt what I would pump sometimes as well as nursing and by our weight check he was 8 lbs 4 oz. He had gained 14 oz in 8 days. Pretty awesome. So we were still a go on the whole nursing thing and did not have to switch to formula and bottles! Thank goodness!! Anyways enjoy the pictures!!

3 days old

4 days old

5 days

6 days

7 days

1 week and 1 day old already.

10 days

Ethan had a blast with Grandpa Bell and Daddy with the squirt guns we bought him! :-) 

11 days

13 days

2 weeks old

18 days
19 days. Ethan wanted to help feed Wyatt and was so excited that he could help for feed him for once!

3 weeks old

24 days old and our first outing to the grocery store with the 4 of us.

4 weeks old

1 month old

It is crazy how much Wyatt looks like Ethan sometimes and other times he looks so different. It brings back memories from when Ethan was this age! It will be nice when Wyatt is on a better schedule so I can give Ethan the time that he needs as well. I think that will help Ethan to be happier and hopefully less aggressive. As well as when we start getting out more. We have been pretty much home bodies for the last little bit because of schedules and everything and I think that is having a toll of Ethan's attitude since he isn't able to get out all of his energy in a good way so he just uses his energy with being aggressive and disobedient. Which is not fun for anyone! I am so blessed to have such a sweet little family even if it is hard to be a mom sometimes it is still the best thing in the world and I would not have it any other way!  

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