Thursday, October 15, 2015

3 years old

So the night before Wyatt's birthday we thought it would be fun to have a campout in our backyard. The boys were pretty stoked about it. They helped daddy put up the tent and then we headed out to get dinner at Fuzzy's Taco shop. After dinner we headed home and got into jammies and the boys headed out to hangout in the tent. Then after playing for a while the boys were settling down and I headed inside to make Wyatt's Captain America cake. 

They were being such goofballs! haha 
The campout didnt last long because Ethan ended up needing to go pee and just crying in the tent instead of getting out and going to the bathroom and he ended up peeing his pants on the bathroom floor. So that kind of ended the campout. Plus Wyatt came in during that whole episode and said he wanted to sleep in his bed! haha Oh well it is the thought that counts right?!? haha 

Good Morning Birthday Boy!!!! 

We started off the morning with giving Wyatt his crown to be king for the day. We then told him we could do whatever he wanted to that day. After lots of thinking and taking forever for them to eat lunch we finally headed to go mini golfing in the afternoon. 

Wyatt loves going mini golfing!!

Then since it was his birthday we figured he would have fun playing in the arcade for a little while. So that is what we did. We played a lot of the arcade ball game. Wyatt was so funny he kept throwing the ball like a baseball. I kept thinking he was going to break something. Sometimes his throwing technique gave him some good points. Other times it would go off of the game and hit the wall behind it. haha He had a blast and I think we were all ready for some dinner afterwards. So we headed to Chick Fil A and let them play a little while and eat some yummy chicken. Then we headed home to do presents and birthday cake! 

Still can't believe he is 3 already! 

He got some cool presents. He got a Captain America costume, a Thor hammer (from Ethan), a Broncos Jersey, a craft tube from Costco that had a bunch of stickers and coloring paper of Marvels super hero and a Captain America Shield (which ended up being broken and we couldn't return it because we bought it off of Amazon and would have had to return it 7 days after getting it since it was broken! So LAME!!). Wyatt loved all of his presents and kept trying to throw his shield which is not a shield that he should be throwing because it is bulky and heavy. 

Wyatt's Captain America Shield cake! :-) It turned out pretty cute! TONS of food coloring to get the right coloring and we were pooping green for the next few days! haha 

Wyatt blew out the candle so fast I didn't even have time to take any pictures so we had to relight it and try it again. haha 
After blowing out the candles Wyatt wanted to just take a bite out of the cake. Ethan told him not to but I told him that it was his birthday he could do what he wanted to. haha 

So that is what he did!! haha 

Silly kid!! 
Over all I think it turned out to be a good birthday. I think Wyatt had a blast and was then too excited about his birthday presents to want to go to bed. So we may start doing birthday presents earlier so that he has time to play with them before they have to go to bed. 
I still can't believe that he is 3 years old. It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. Now he is an energetic, very kind hearted, sweet, silly, smart kid. He is such a joy to have in our family. 
He has such a kind soul. He is always thinking of others and sharing his treats that he earns with Ethan and even with me and Brandon. He gets very excited when I do not get mad at him. For example, the other day the boys were in quiet time and he came downstairs looking for a toy. I was doing dishes and asked him what he was doing downstairs. He then told me he was looking for a specific toy. I told him to find it and then go back upstairs. He then said to me, "I'm so proud of you for not getting me trouble." haha he kept thanking me for not getting mad at him. It was so stinking cute. There was another time that the same kind of thing happened and he came up to me and hugged my leg nice and tight and said, "you the greatest!" Man those moments just melt my heart! He loves it when you tell him you are proud of him. Another thing that I just can't get over is that if he gets in trouble and I tell him that if he does something one more time he is going into time out then after he does it again he will just go to timeout by himself. One time while we were at the grocery store they were acting unruley. I kept telling Wyatt if he didnt stop running away and acting crazy I was going to take away toys. So as he kept doing things he was not supposed to I told him I was taking away his Captain America shield. Since that didnt seem to work I added taking away his Thor hammer, and then the Captain America Suit. After finally leaving and them fighting and just not listening at all I had comletely had it. I told them they were both going into timeout when we got home. Wyatt then tells me when we got home that he was sorry that I was mad and then after I got him out of the car he went inside and found his shield, hammer and suit and handed them to me to put away since he couldn't have them for the rest of the day. Iam sorry but how cute is that. It is so hard to stay mad at him when he does stuff like that. Ethan would have held onto them for dear life as I was prying them from his hands. Wyatt just hands them over remembering that I told him I was taking them away. It is the cutest thing!! He will then walk over to timeout all by himself. haha Now if I do not give him warnings and just put him in timeout he has a harder time. But, if I tell him that if he does a specific thing again then he will going willingly when he does the wrong thing again. 
I love the things that Wyatt says, the other day Ethan asked Wyatt if he could go with him somewhere, Wyatt responded with, "I can't, Im busy!" haha It was so funny! 
One morning Wyatt came into our room in the morning and said, "Mom, can you make me some breakfast please?" He said it in the sweetest voice and both Brandon and I couldn't help but laugh at how cute it was. It was a great start to that morning. He normally comes in and says, "mom I want you to make me some breakfast." So it was so cute when he came in a asked me if I could make him some breakfast! 
Wyatt wants to go to school so badly. For me though I am not ready for him to go to school. I want him to stay little forever!! He is just such a sweetheart! He rarely throws tantrums and when he does he normally just needs to be talked down and then he is all better. For instance, if I need him to take a nap because I know he is super tired I will take him upstairs and sometimes he will throw a fit because he doesn't want to take a nap. While he is screaming I have to pick him up and tell him quietly that he has 2 options. Then as he tells me he wants to go downstairs, I just repeat his 2 options and after close to 10 times of telling him his options he will choose the better of the 2 and then I can put him down for a nap. Doesn't happen all the time but anytime he does throw a fit it normally works! I seriously feel so blessed to have him in our family and am sad that he is growing up so fast!! But that is life I guess! So for now I will just enjoy him while I can. 
Sure do love this little boy! 

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