Monday, October 26, 2015

4 months old! Oh how time goes by so fast!

So Emmett is 4 months old. How in the world did that happen!?! He sure is a joy to have in our family. He is happy unless he is hungry or tired. Most of the time when he wants us to do something for him just yells at us. haha Although he yells just because he likes to hear his voice too. haha He has started to reach for everything. He also reaches for toys while he is on his tummy. He still has not rolled over more than the one time but he loves to play with his toes now and is starting to laugh more. It has gotten easier to make him laugh harder and I love to hear his laugh. He loves it when I eat his fingers and he follows our spoons or forks when we are eating. Looks like we will be starting rice cereal super soon. For his 4 month check up his stats were:

Weight: 13 lbs 11.8 oz 
Heights 2ft 1inch
He is doing really well and hit a growth spurt this past week and was wanting to eat every 2 hours and still drinking a whole bottle. It was so crazy and made it really hard to plan our outings around his feedings because he would want to eat way before we were planning on it. Anyways, here are his 4 months pics that I took. 

I just love this picture because this is how he is all the time these days. He drools all over the place. He is constantly drooling and chewing on stuff. His outfits are always soaked! haha 

He is such a cutie!! 
We just can't get enough of him!! Sure do love this little man!! 

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