Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Centerra Kids Days

So we finally made it to Centerra Kids Days. The boys had a blast and it was super hot!!! Because it was the last one for the year I decided to take as much time as needed to do what the boys wanted to. Emmett was a champ for not getting his morning nap. In fact we didn't even head home until almost 2. The boys had fun though and it was worth it! 

PF Changs had a table and the boys got to decorate their own take out boxes. The best part about these boxes is that they had a coupon for a free kids meal inside and fortune cookies for the kids. It was totally worth it! :-) 

I let Emmett decorate one as well and after showing him and helping him put stickers on the box he was able to actually get one sticker on by himself! 

The kids had so much fun getting wet. It was super hot and I told them to just get wet in their clothes. They were pretty excited that I was letting them get wet in their clothes. haha Emmett was having fun but the floor was so slippery that he kept falling. We didn't stay too long and play in the water. I let them just get wet enough to cool them off and then we headed back to the car to have some lunch. 

I packed these and crackers, peas and some applesauce packets. We ate in the trunk of the car and luckily the breeze kept us cool since we were wet. 

Ethan and Wyatt decided to use cheese as pretend phones! haha It was Ethan's idea first and then Wyatt decided to join. I was hoping they would eat faster so that we could go finish whatever we wanted to do and then go home and let Emmett take a nap. But, when do they ever eat fast!! haha 

Emmett was super excited when I gave him cotton candy! He really seemed to like it at first! 

Then... not so much! haha

It was a fun, hot day and I think the boys enjoyed it! Luckily Emmett took a nice long nap when we got home! 

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