Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fun living from August 3rd-9th

Ever since the garden has been doing well the boys get so excited anytime I come in with more green beans. They always want to eat them raw. Last time they were so excited that I let them eat them without cooking them. haha I would never think of eating green beans raw but hey it doesn't bother me since they get more nutrition from them raw than cooked! 

Emmett just loves his bottle these days. If I heat up a bottle and bring it over he starts practically running and squealing and sits down next to me so I can help him lay down and hand him the bottle! It is so stinking cute. It makes it hard for me to want to stop giving him the bottle when he gets so excited about it! 

Enjoying some lunch in the front yard! :-) 

Wyatt came in one day from the backyard looking like this. He said, "I am a doctor!" He then asked me if I needed a check up. haha Silly kid!! 

Emmett has been loving chasing after his brothers with swords lately. He will run after Wyatt and try to hit him or push him. haha Its pretty funny! His little personality is shining through more and more each day! We love it!! 

We also were invited to a Dental party at the "Island". It is really close to our house and they literally created an Island. It was pretty fun. We didn't stay for long and the weather was not very good for swimming in the lake so we didn't come prepared. 

A lady told the boys to throw some food into the water to feed the fish when we got there. We didn't realize how many cat fish there was in the water. It was insane how many fish there were. Of coarse Wyatt kept getting so stinking close to the edge I just kept thinking of how gross it would be to have to jump in after Wyatt. haha 

Emmett didn't know what to think about throwing food into the water and seeing all those fish! haha 

Not a huge fan of life jackets. haha 

There were fish everywhere. The boys were standing in the water watching smaller fish swimming around. They thought it was pretty cool! 

The fun had to end pretty quickly because Brandon was on call that month and had to go see a patient. 

While Brandon went to work on someones teeth I took the boys to the park near his office. It was the perfect day to be at the park. It was cloudy and warm but not too hot. 

Sunday we had the boys help make some cookies. They could hardly wait for the cookies to be done! haha 

Nothing better than a sucker from the bank! Look at that sweet face!!! I could just eat him up! 

Just so stinking cute to see how small Emmett looks next to his daddy! :-) 

Ethan loves to take the trash back into the garage on trash day. He is just getting so big! 

Emmett is walking so much better in his sandals now that I let him play outside in the front when the boys are playing outside. On one day Emmett decided to go for a walk. So we all took a walk around the neighborhood. 
He found a little bug and was very determined to catch it. haha He never caught it but he sure got close. 

Little boys are their rocks and sticks. haha Nothing better. It is ingrained in their DNA! haha 

The boys wanted to stay home and play but I had to follow Emmett so they came walking with us and they had fun trying to find cool looking leaves. It was all fun until Ethan stubbed his toe. 

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