Monday, August 8, 2016

Still enjoying some family time!

After Sunday it was officially just our little family... oh and Coya!! haha Coya hung out at our place while her little family was in Washington for John's families family reunion. It was going to be too crazy for a majorly pregnant women to do all the things that they were going to be doing. So she hung with us until her family came back that Thursday evening. We went to the pool a few times and got some shopping and cleaning done during that time. Mostly, it was nice to have someone else to talk to during the week besides my kiddos! :-) 
This pictures it just so funny to me. Emmett is really wanting to be just like his older brothers these days. The boys were throwing balls at these metal chairs and so Emmett grabbed some balls and started throwing them at the chairs as well. I love the line up of the boys going from tallest and oldest to smallest and youngest! Sure do love these silly kids! :-) 

 Thursday Brandon left right after work to head to the airport to pick up John and their kids and bring them back here to hang out until Saturday morning. One their way back from the airport a girl 3 cars behind them slammed into the car in front of her and that car went out onto the shoulder and then back into the traffic and slammed into Brandon's car. Luckily no one was hurt and it was basically just sad for our little car. That and the lady that hit the car that hit our car did not have insurance. So we are hoping that we will get some coverage from the person who actually hit us. We shall see! After that joyous experience they finally got home and we had dinner and the kids played for a while and then we put the kids to bed and played some games before we all went to bed. 

The next morning we took them to snooze for some birthday breakfast for Mady. Friday was a full day of celebration because it was Mady's birthday. So we went to breakfast and then hung out at the pool for a while and then had pizza for dinner and ice cream cake for dessert! It was a fun day with them. 

 After all that fun on Friday they had to take off back home Saturday morning. So it was official Saturday around 10 we are back to just our little family. Back to normal life! 
 It sure was fun having everyone in town for a while. Now back to reality! 

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