Friday, April 20, 2018

Attempt #1

Ok.. so this kid has been going potty and poop in the toilet for quite some time now. He was doing really well for a while and was going pee all the time in the toilet. Then he decided he didn't want to go potty in the toilet anymore. He didn't care anymore and just peed in his pull ups. He was still going poop in the toilet which was fantastic. He had a couple of days where he pooped in his pull up which we didn't understand why and we finally got that to stop again. However, I made the bright idea to try going straight to underwear instead of the no diaper thing. I decided that it might be better than having him naked all day long. So we tired underwear. The first day when he first peed in his pants he was super shocked and you could tell he didn't like it. Then I kept reminding him every so often to go potty in the toilet and he would. Surprisingly the first day went pretty well. The second day went ok for the first half of the day. He even made it through going to chick fil a in his underwear without an accident. The rest of that day however was not so great. He started going pee every 20 minutes to half hour in his underwear. I would ask him if he needed to go and then 5 seconds later he would get that disgusted and surprised look on his face and there would be a puddle by his feet. A couple of times I would think to ask him if he needed to go but would decide to give it just a few more minutes and then he would end up having an accident. It was no fun. He didn't seem to care to go potty in the toilet and yet every time I would put new underwear on him he would say, "I won't pee in my pants." Then 30 minutes later he would pee in his pants. He didn't want me to be upset and he was excited to try I think but, then he wouldn't think about it and he would end up peeing in his pants. I was super patient with him but that can only last for so long. I was getting tired of cleaning him up and putting pee underwear in the washer. So we tried one more day and then decided that maybe he isn't ready yet. I looked up some things on the internet just to get some ideas and the main idea I got was that if he is ready he won't need to pee every 30 minutes and I won't have to tell him to go in the toilet. So we are taking a break from it for now. He is still going #2 in the toilet which is fantastic. In all reality that is all I care about. Eventually he will want to pee in the toilet and not sit in it all day. haha 

Side Note:
Emmett is such a funny kid and says some really funny things. For example, he will say, "Aattude" he picked up the word attitude from the movie "The Santa Clause" When the E.L.F.S group go to rescue santa they well the police officer that they are elves with "attitude". Emmett picked up that one word and when he was grumpy and it was making me grumpy he would say, "Aattude Mom!" I would tell him that he had "Attitude" and he was say, "No, you have aattude!" haha Quite funny actually. He has even told his brothers that they have attitude. haha Emmett also likes to say, "I won't" When I tell him not to do something. However, he says that as he is doing the exact thing I am telling him not to do. haha One thing that I love that he says (I may have put this in my blog already but I am not sure) when we are walking somewhere and he is behind me and I tell him, "come on" he will say, "I am coming mom!" It is just so cute coming from his little mouth. Also the other day he was doing something and all of a sudden says, "Holy Mokes!" haha Holy Smokes... where would he get that from! haha Maybe I have said it before or something but it was so stinking cute coming out of his mouth!! 
He is such a funny and yet mischievous kid. He still gets into everything and he loves to play in the water in the bathroom sink. Sometimes he is just drenching his hair and combing it. Other times he is getting water EVERYWHERE! He can be such a little stinker and drive me crazy because he won't stop getting into things when I tell him not to and he still will hit his brothers or throw a car at them for no apparent reason. Even though he can be a bit crazy and off his rocker he is such a cutie pie and makes up for all the crazy with his cute little sayings and his hugs and kisses. We sure do love this little guy! 

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