Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Field Trip Time

The Thursday before Easter Wyatt had his first field trip to the Fire station. Wyatt was so excited to go to the fire station and meet some firefighters. We arrived and all the kids sat down on the floor ready to hear from the fireman had to tell them about being a fire fighter. The kids were super enthralled and the fireman was super good with the kids. I brought Emmett with us on the field trip and within the first 10 minutes Emmett had fallen face forward on the floor. His hands were in his coat pocket so he coulnd't catch himself as he toppled forward. He smacked his face and ran crying over to me with blood all over his face. Yep, bloody nose. The poor little guy had fallen and smacked his nose that morning and so falling and hitting his nose was one too many hits and his nose was bleeding all over the place. Poor little buddy! After getting him cleaned up we rejoined the group and listened to the fireman explain his job and get into his fireman gear.

After getting all of his gear on he let the kids go up and hit his helmet and touch his suit on him. HE also told the kids that he felt like he looked like a big crayon. So he said that if they ever saw a fireman dressed up in all of that gear then they need to run up and give them a big hug. If they are dressed like that then there is a fire and they will help them get to safety! It was a great thing to tell the kids. That way they wont be scared if they see someone in their house dressed like that.

After touching the fireman suit the fireman got his suit off and we headed on to tour the rest of the fire station.

Wyatt really enjoyed the tour and thought it was all super cool. Emmett on the other hand was a complete handful. He kept walking off and getting away from me and almost getting lost.
One thing that was super funny was that Emmett kept trying to copy this fireman. He stood next to him and would watch him as he took a step forward and then Emmett would do the same. The guy put his hands in his pocket and Emmett put his hands on his hips and then would take a step forward and backward just like this guys was doing. haha He caught on to what Emmett was doing and would slightly glance down to see if he was still copying him. It was so cute!

Look at that handsome little boy!

Wyatt was super excited to be able to sit in the fire truck. I think that is what he was most excited about for this field trip.

I caught Emmett copying the same Fireman again. haha I was laughing so hard!

The kids also got to see and learn about a lot of the different tools that firemen can use to get into cars or houses.

It was pretty crazy trying to get that many kids to stand still and smile for a big group picture at the end.

These boys seriously kill me with their cuteness. I love that they just posed like this on their own. I told them to get close and smile and they put their arms around each other and smiled. SO STINKING CUTE!!! 
The fire station field trip was lots of fun. Although I kept worrying about where Emmett was running off to and at one point when the fire man was going to slide down the fire pole he decided to run right up to the pole while I was taking a video and almost got pummeled by the fireman coming down the fire pole. Thankfully the other fireman saw him and stopped him. Emmett was pretty shy after that and wanted me to hold him and buried his face in my shoulder. I still couldn't believe him. He was being "That" kid. The one that is getting into trouble every turn of the corner. So that part of the trip was not fun. Wyatt loved it and was behaving good like I knew he would. The only thing that made me sad about the field trip was having Emmett there because I couldn't focus on Wyatt and enjoy that time. Although, Wyatt was off with his friends the whole time so its not like he even really noticed if I was close to him or not. Plus seeing Emmett copy that fireman was super cute and that made it worth bringing him. That and the picture I got of the boys at the end of the field trip was totally worth having them both there. 

After the field trip we headed to the park in our neighborhood for an Easter egg hunt and picnic. Sadly, the weather was pretty windy and cold so the kids got their 12 eggs super fast and then we headed home to eat lunch in our warm house. 

This was Wyatt's Easter bag that he got to decorate in class. He was super proud of his work. It turned out really cute! 

So we headed home and built a fort to eat our lunch in. Since we didn't stay at the park for a picnic I figured it would be fun to eat our lunch in a fort instead. Which was probably the only way I was going to get the kids to agree to get out of the cold. haha 

So we built a quick fort by the fireplace and turned on the fire for a little bit to get it nice and toasty in the fort and then we ate lunch and then Wyatt and Emmett went through all of their eggs to see what they go. All in all it was a good day! 

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