Friday, December 11, 2020

A cute little Kayden turning 17 months old!

 Well our cute little Kayden hit 17 months old in October. It crazy how big he is getting. He is such a sweet little boy that is in to EVERYTHING all the time!!! He is by far our most busy little boy. Which seems crazy to think since we have 4 of them. haha 

He has grown to love cereal with milk. He tries to feed himself some of the cereal with his spoon and then tips the bowl up and drinks the milk. It is quite funny when he drinks it because you can here him slurping. I just love it. He is too stinking cute! 

He also loves to push the broom around. 

So after I got some of the nasty ash swept off the patio I let Kayden have a turn. He is always so excited when I let him use the broom. haha 

Did I mention that he loves the vacuum too? haha He will walk over to the closet door and start whining because he wants me to open the door so he can have the vacuum. haha 

He was getting a little upset because it was too hard to push. I normally give him the stick vacuum for our kitchen because he can push that easier but he really seems to like the big one and will throw a tantrum when I am trying to get the family room vacuumed because he wants it. 

Pickle ball time!

Kayden is at that age where he just wants to do everything that we can do. He grabbed this paddle and stood in the court all ready to hit the ball. haha He is such a cute little stinker. He definitely keeps me busy during the day and I am always super ready for nap time to arrive each day so I can get a break. He loves to play downstairs in the basement which ends up just being him trying to climb onto our pool table or get into anything else he shouldn't be. The words he says include: hot, hi, bye, mama, papa, Gigi, Dada, Daddy, cacker (cracker), car, ball, pease (please), done. I am sure there is a few others but those are the ones I know for sure that he can say. The day after Kayden hit 17 months old we had to take him down to the Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children to get a Covid 19 test for his pre surgery screening. I had heard horror stories about the swab test and was not excited for Kayden to have to have it done. Thankfully it was not how everyone said it was. The hospital had changed over to the simple 3 seconds in each side of the nose. The only reason Kayden cried was because by the time they got to the second nostril he moves which shoved it farther down his nose. So he was now 17 months old and had finished the first part that he needed done for his surgery the next week. I was not excited about his surgery because he was already getting more toddlerish and wanting his way. He had started to throw little tantrums when he didn't get his way. So I was glad we were going to be getting his surgery done the next week so we could move on with our lives and not worry about it anymore. 

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