Monday, December 21, 2020


Halloween was a little different this year. We didn't have the usual ward Halloween party so we decided to not worry about trying to do our family themed costumes. Instead we just let the kids be what they wanted to be and I decided to be a Christmas Tree. We had a typical morning that Saturday and then grabbed some lunch from Pot Belly and got in our costumes and then left for our ward halloween activity for the primary kids. We volunteered to help out with one of the treat tables. My mom came over and hung out at the house while Kayden napped and then brought him to us when he woke up.  

All of us in our costumes minus Kayden who was sleeping. 

Our cute little mini spiderman. 

The kids had fun going around and getting some candy and playing a few of the carnival games the primary leaders had set up. It was nice to get out and see some of our friends from the ward. 

When my mom brought Kayden to us she ended up taking Wyatt back to her house with her because Wyatt didn't want to stay any longer. 

He ended up helping clean up some of the weeds in their backyard! haha Silly kid! 

Then after our party we had time to figure out dinner for the night and then went trick or treating. 

We decided to just put the candy out on the driveway for kids to come grab. That way we were staying away from everyone and "social distancing". 

Kayden kept trying to grab the candies. He would get this goofy grin on his face when he would pick one up. It was pretty funny. He is such a little character. 

The boys had fun trick or treating and my parents watched the house for a little bit while we went with the kiddos. Then after going around our block I dropped off Kayden and took the older boys to a few more houses before calling it quits. There were some pretty unique ways people put their candy out to try and social distance during this whole covid pandemic. One house had made a tube candy drop thing. They would have the kid put their bucket under the tube and then drop the candy through it to them. The tube was probably 8 feet long. It was a great idea!! 

After all of the trick or treating fun we enjoyed some caramel and apples and watched a little movie before sending the kids to bed.  

Kayden is really in to feeding people stuff. So he kept putting caramel on this drum stick and trying to feed Papa and Gigi with it. haha He was getting a kick out of feeding them. It was a fun halloween and we are just glad that we were able to take the kids Trick or Treating. 


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