Monday, August 29, 2022

Back to life at home

We arrived home Friday afternoon and got all unpacked and grabbed some dinner. 

The next day we road our bikes to Chick Fil A with the kids. It is always a fun outing when we ride bikes to dinner. The kids love it and so do we.
We bought a bunch of corn at the store in order to make freezer corn. So the boys all worked together to clean the corn off so that I could prep it for the freezer. 

On Sunday the boys were begging Brandon to play Risk with them. I fell asleep on the couch and they played for hours. haha Not exactly my idea of fun. haha 

Another round of bowling.

I took the boys bowling again. Kayden is only sometimes in the mood to bowl. Otherwise he just wants to play in the arcade. I don't even let him actually play. He just pretends he is playing. I don't see why it is so much fun to him. 

We found a little friend in our grass. 
Cute little frog. I think this was the first time Kayden has held a frog in his hands. He thought it was so cute. Then Brandon found another frog. So we put them both in a bucket for a little while just to look at. Then we let them go in the grass so they wouldn't die. 

Our boys being frogs. haha They are so silly. They were hopping around the floor with their knees tucked into their shirts. They kept trying to hop onto the ottoman and back down without having their legs come out of their shirts. They were all giggles.. 

We also went out for some rollerblading fun. I even got my rollerblades on this time. It was the first time I have rollerbladed since before I hurt my back. It was pretty fun to get out with the kids and do this with them. Plus Emmett needs the practice and I am not that fast. So it worked out nicely. 

While my parents are in California we decided it would be a good idea to go make sure their hot tub was still working. It was such a sacrifice. haha We had a nice view while sitting in the hot tub. Such a pretty rainbow! 

Boys will be boys!! 

These are the clothes Emmett decided to wear. When I told him that they didn't really match he said that he liked it. So I let it be. Eventually he will care if his clothes match. 

Then it was time for Open Houses for School. I was so bummed that school was going to be starting soon. However, Those last 2 weeks before school started the kids started to get restless. All of them were getting a little anxious and excited, probably a little nervous too for school to start. 
Since Ethan was going to the new Timnath Middle High he was most nervous than his brothers to start school. He was going to a brand new school again this year. So he had to learn where everything was again. So the registration day was kind of a big deal for him. 

He was super excited that they had ping pong tables. 

Its a really big school. It should be really nice to go here. We shall see how it all works out. Ethan felt a little bit better about it once we walked around the school and saw where he would be going for his classes. He was excited about taking Spanish this year. So we now had his class list and he knew where all his classes were. Now the waiting game was on. 

Off to Fort Fun!!

Kayden fell asleep on our drive home from Ethan's registration. So after we got home and Brandon got home we left to go do some mini golf at Fort Fun. Kayden stayed asleep and I was glad we had brought the stroller. Brandon moved him from his car seat to the stroller and he fell right back to sleep. So Brandon took Wyatt and Emmett to the go carts (they had a free ride from school) and Ethan and I waited in the air conditioning and drank some soda while we waited. Eventually Kayden woke up and he payed a little bit of mini golf with us. 

I made sure to have our soda nice a full when he woke up. That helped him to feel happier when he woke up from his nap. He was so sweaty sitting in that black stroller out in the heat while we were mini golfing and he was sleeping. So it was a good thing that we had bought a soda and that they had free refills. We had fun in the heat mini golfing. It had been a while since we had last done mini golfing. We were trying to squeeze in a bunch of last minute fun before school started up again. We had the boys make lists of what they wanted to do before school started. So we were trying to cross everything off that list. It kept us pretty busy. At least it was fun busy! 

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