Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Ethan turns 12

Ethan had cousins in town again on his birthday this year. He was happy and then again kind of wished that he had had his birthday with just us because we could have gone on a bike ride like he really wanted to do. Or even go to the scooter park. He is a good sport though and we made the most of our day and were able to do other things that he wanted to do. We started out his birthday with a little present hunt. Brandon made some notes and Ethan had to go searching for each hint until he was lead out to his garage. When he got to the garage he saw his bike (Which we had already gotten him like a month before). We put a bow on it which was a little bit of a downer at first for Ethan. Then he saw a little present on his bike. 

Brandon had gotten him a sweet Basketball card. Ethan was super stoked about it! 

Then Coya showed Ethan what she got for him. She got a big basket full of goodies just for him to enjoy. He felt pretty special about that as well. 

Then we were off to get birthday Donuts. 

The best tradition with these kiddos. haha They really enjoy going for birthday donuts. Too bad he had gotten too old to make a birthday crown. 

Then we were off to Top Golf 

We played for a little while and then made our way to get some lunch. 

Doesn't get much better than IN N OUT! 

Ethan is getting too big!! Can't believe he is 12 already!! 
We didn't sit next to John and Coya and their family. It was pretty busy and we found a good seat for both of our families outside. Coya then found a spot inside and when we decided to try and sit by them in the spot they saw for us it was gone. So we went back outside. They did not follow us outside. So we sat with just our little family outside and enjoyed our tasty lunch! As we were wrapping up eating our tasty lunch John came out and said, "That was awful!" He said the burger was mediocre and the fries were terrible. Which I thought was funny that they would come out and say that. Mady likes IN N OUT. So I know it was not their whole family that didn't like it. Then Wyatt said that he agreed that it wasn't the best. I then had to correct him because he always says that IN N OUT is like his favorite fast food place and after that is Chick Fil A. So I told him to not be a sheep and just follow along with what his friends say. Anyways, then we were off to go walk around the outlets while Brandon drove down to sign over his totaled Audi to the insurance company so they could declare whether it was totaled or not and start getting us our money. 

So Brandon took off and we went to the mall. 
I decided to walk with the kiddos and on the way over Emmett tripped in the street and scrapped up his leg and then Kayden spilled soda all over his shirt. We were a hot mess as we finished walking to the Mall. I took the boys to the bathroom to get them all cleaned up. Bandaged up Emmett and then rinsed out Kayden's shirt. Then we were off to find the rest of the crew.  

It was so hot that we did not last long at the park before needing to go inside and cool off. It didn't help that the slides are all metal so you can't even go on them with the sun shining on them. 

Trying to shop with these boys is a little hectic. Kayden would not stop running off and Emmett was not being any better. Eventually I told them they needed to hide in this pants wall while I waited for Ethan to try on some clothes. 

Kind of hard to be mad at that cute little face. Even when he is being out of control! He looked so cute poking his head out of those clothes.

Kayden was so tired and we did not have a stroller. So Ethan carried him on his back for a good chunk of our Mall outing. 

Ethan was being a champ trying to be such a big helper on his Big Day!!! It was not exactly how he was wanting to spend his birthday walking around a mall and dealing with a tired whiny and grumpy toddler. Thankfully, he is such a good kid and was being so helpful since I can't carry Kayden because of my back! 

Brandon finally arrived and we took off to go home. Ethan was tired from the heat and adventures so he kind of fell asleep in the car on the way home. 

After getting home we quickly changed into swim suits and went swimming for a little bit before heading to dinner. We ate dinner at Panda Express and then it was time to open presents and have some cake!

Ethan got a lot of legos/kinect sets and some money. He loves to build and create things. 
Ethan was super excited to be able to work on more lego sets. 

Cake Time!!

I can't believe Ethan will be a teenager next year!! This is our last year before we our parents of a teen. He is such a good kid! He had gotten so much better with his reading and writing. He is also such a good big brother. Although he may get a little annoyed with his younger brothers sometimes he handles it really well. I am also so proud of how good he has gotten at controlling his anger. Every once in a while he will have something that throws him off and he lets his anger get the best of him. Usually though, he realizes that he was in the wrong and corrects himself. Ethan has gone to the temple 3 times now and really enjoys going. He said that he feels so peaceful when he goes. I love that he notices those kinds of feelings. It is fun to see him growing and maturing. He is becoming such a great young man! I do wish time would slow down a bit and we could enjoy him a little longer before he doesn't want to hangout with us anymore. Although, I really just hope that he never gets to that point!! We sure do love our Ethan!! Happy Birthday!!!!

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