Friday, September 30, 2016

Enjoying my boys!

Emmett really likes to pull out our books from the bookshelf. It doesn't help that there is only one door. So it is really inviting. haha He was having so much fun pulling the books out that I had to catch it on camera! :-) 

Look at that cute smile!! So excited!!! :-) 

After pulling out a ton of books he would open one and look at it and point at things. He found a dog on one book and starting doing his dog noise of panting. haha 

My Blender exploded on me!!! I just had just made a protein drink and was washing out my blender when the lid flew off and the soapy water went EVERYWHERE!!! I am just glad it was only soapy water and not my protein drink. However, the soapy water got in my protein drink and so I couldn't drink it! :-( 

I love that my boys love to give me flowers! It is so sweet and they are so excited about it. After telling Wyatt thank you for the flowers and expressing how much I loved them I had to tell him that we can't be picking other peoples flowers from their yards. If it is not someones house they can pick them but not in our neighbors yards. haha Wyatt was ok with that. I didn't like telling him that but I did make sure to express how much I loved the flowers! 

Another hot day!! 

The perfect time to play in the pool in the backyard. Even though the water was like ice water!

Then the boys wanted to do water balloons. I decided to let them and let Emmett have his first experience with water balloons. :-) 

I LOVED watching Emmett squeeze the water balloons. He was so fascinated and then when he would put them on the floor he liked it even more. 

So anytime ethan handed him a balloon he was instantly put it on the floor for it to pop! haha 

These boys are such goof balls! I love how much fun they have together. Ethan and Wyatt are such good big brothers to their little brother Emmett! 

I love this yogurt smile! haha

Wyatt also likes to try and read to Emmett. Sometimes Emmett will sit and listen for a while and other times he just wants to turn the pages and take the book from Wyatt. Wyatt is very patient with Emmett though and doesn't get too mad. So it all works out. Emmett ends up just leaving after Wyatt takes the book back twice. haha 

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