Friday, September 30, 2016

Birthday Boy!! 4 Years already!

The night before Wyatt's birthday Brandon and I blew up about 36 balloons to put all over the floor for when Wyatt got up. As well as putting up streamers and a happy birthday sign! 
I still can't believe that Wyatt is 4 years old already! Time goes by way too fast! It seems like just yesterday Wyatt was brought into this world and into our family. He was such a sweet little baby and is still just a sweet heart and such a good boy! When I came downstairs the morning of his birthday Wyatt was already up. As soon as I saw hime I said Happy Birthday to him and he ran to me and hugged my leg and said thank you and then said, "thanks for my balloons! I love them!" My heart just melted when he said that. I can't get over how genuine he is!! 

Such a cutie and he was so excited to finally be 4. 

Once Ethan was off to school it was time for Wyatt to decorate his birthday crown. It ended up being him telling me what color to color where. haha He colored 1 circle and the rest he wanted me to color. haha Since it was his birthday I did what he told me to do. :-) 

Such a stinking cute kid! After getting dressed and wearing his birthday crown we headed off to get his birthday donut. 

He normally picks sprinkle donuts. This time however, he picked a chocolate covered old fashion donut. He also told me that I should get the apple fritter and we should get some of the circle donuts (donut holes) for Emmett. I decided to get a blueberry old fashion for Brandon and after we paid for them and sat down to eat them Wyatt asked if we had gotten one for Ethan (always thinking of others. I LOVE IT). I said that we had not gotten one for Ethan and asked him if he wanted me to get him one. He then said that he wanted me to get the same one that he got for Ethan. So we did; he was the king for the day after all!  :-) 

We enjoyed the donuts and then headed home to play and let Emmett take a nap. 

Just a quick look at our decorations. 

Daddy also got to come home and eat lunch with us. I was thinking of going to the office and letting Wyatt say hi to his daddy but Emmett was still napping so he just came home to eat lunch at home with us. Wyatt was really excited and didn't want him to go back to work after. 
Wyatt also said that he wanted to go mini golfing, so after lunch we headed to Fort Fun to go mini golfing. It was fun taking him for his birthday. I love trying to make their Birthdays special! It would have been even better if I had gotten someone to watch Emmett so I could have just take Wyatt but, it all worked out. Plus Wyatt is so sweet that he didn't mind and even told me that I should get a little club for Emmett to be able to play. 

Emmett decided that this house was the perfect play house for him. haha 

It really was the perfect size for him. :-) 

After having fun with mini golfing we headed inside to use up some cards that we had in the arcade. 

Wyatt wanted to ride the carousel so that is what we did first. Then we played some bowling and a couple other games and then went and got a couple prizes with the tickets we had earned. It was a fun afternoon. We got home just in time for Ethan to get home. Then the kids played outside while we waited for Brandon to get home from work. After he got home we headed to the "Peanut Place" which is what Wyatt and Ethan call Texas Roadhouse. Wyatt requested to go there when I asked him where he wanted to eat for dinner on his birthday. I was excited to go eat there as well. I was also excited because I knew that they sang to people on their birthdays and let them sit on a saddle when they sing to them. I was actually very disappointed when this did not happen. Ethan even told our waiter as soon as we sat down that it was Wyatt's birthday and the guy talked to Wyatt about his birthday and asked him how old he was. So I was a little frustrated when they didn't sing to him. I wanted a picture of Wyatt sitting on the saddle. Oh well, next year maybe! 

It was yummy though and the boys enjoyed it. 

Then we headed home for presents and cake!

Grandpa and GG singing Happy Birthday to Wyatt!

We started with the presents from Grandpa and GG. We got on FaceTime with my parents so they could watch Wyatt open their presents from them and ask him how his day went. 

They got him his own Tennis Raquet and some tenis balls. Wyatt was so excited! 

He went up to the camera and said thank you to Grandpa and GG. It is so awesome being able to have the technology that we do these days. To be able to connect with family from far away and let them take part in fun times like this is so amazing!! 

The Hulk cake!! It turned out so messy but actually with it being a hulk cake and having hulk smash the cake it actually worked out that it was so messy and that a huge chunk on the side of the cake fell off. haha 

Wyatt was really excited about his hulk cake. They thought it was funny that hulk smashed the cake! 

Look at that cute 4 year old boy!! 

Present Time!! 

After opening presents from all of us and being so excited about all of his presents it was time for cake! 

Wyatt was even able to pull hulk out of the cake. Then daddy washed him and gave him back to Wyatt so that he could play with him. haha 

To end the evening Wyatt was shown how to shoot his crossbow nerf gun. He was so excited about this gun and thought it was the coolest ever. The face is perfect!! :-) 

Oh.. Wyatt!! He is growing up too fast. I really wish that I could freeze him at this age. He is so cute, and says the funniest things. I wish I had written down the things he has been saying but I would forget what he had said by the time I thought of writing it down. Most of it was him using big words in funny situations. I just love this kid so much!! He is always thinking of other and still cries when Ethan gets in trouble or when their is contention. I love how tender his heart is. I just want to squeeze him and never let go. Is it possible to just freeze time and let him stay little forever?? He is such a good big brother to Emmett these days. Ever since Ethan has gone back to school Wyatt has stepped up in the big brother department. He tries to make Emmett laugh and do anything to make Emmett happy. Wyatt loves to have me read to him during the day. If Emmett is napping and we are not fighting bad guys in the basement he usually grabs a bunch of books and tells me that we have to read all of them and that he will hand them to me. T.V is also still his fall back if he gets hurt. Anytime he gets hurt and is crying he normally tells me that he just wants to watch some T.V. haha He also really likes playing with the older boys on our street. There are a few boys that are a lot older than him and he knows all their names and where they live and gets excited when he sees them outside and tells me that his friends are outside. Wyatt has also started to try and do little stunts on his bike like Ethan does. He will say mom look, "I can ride one handed". Or he will lift his feet up and rest them on the middle bar and coast. I just wish they would listen and wear their helmets when they are doing those things. Another thing that Wyatt likes to do these days thanks to the movie Kung Fu Panda 3 is when I am telling him something he will interrupt me and say, "chit chat" and he will just keep doing it. I then will do it back to him and he will start to laugh. We have started to work with him on his Alphabet as well and he is getting a lot better with his control in writing. He enjoys doing his workbook here at home with me and seems to like learning with me. He gets excited when he does a good job and even wanted to take his book outside one day and show the neighbor little girl that he was doing a workbook at home. haha He loves going mini golfing and has been more interested in going, "big bowling". He really likes it when Daddy takes him to the big golf coarse and loves to wear his broncos jersey. We seriously love this kid so much. I really wish time would slow down and that he would stop growing because these are just good days and I know I will be sad when he is going to school and I don't get to have his sweet little self at home with me as much. He has the best dance moves and makes me laugh all the time with his silly faces and his "Im pretty much awesome" faces as well as his dance moves! He is such a spaz and I love it! haha These past 4 years have been so great with Wyatt in our family and I am so excited to be able to be home with him each day and see what this next year brings. Happy Birthday Wyatt!! We are so blessed to have you in our family and we Love you SO much!! 

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