Thursday, September 29, 2016

Trip to Lincoln Nebraska

On Thursday September 1st we got up and got the car packed up and took off to Lincoln Nebraska around 9 in the morning to hang with Tyrel and Vandy and their kids for the weekend. Ethan and Wyatt were so excited to play with Tate and Kemry. Luckily the trip was only abut 6 and a half hours long. So after a few movies and one stop we made it to Tyrel and Vandy's just in time for dinner that evening. It was a fun filled weekend. Friday was spent just hanging out for most of the day and letting the kids play in the backyard and anywhere they wanted while Tyrel worked. We also headed to a big park to let the kids play for a while and then we went back to the house to get Tyrel and then we headed to a grocery store that we had never been to and then we went to get burgers at a place downtown. The kids were having a blast together and really played well and didn't fight much which is always nice. The next day was Saturday and we went to the Omaha Zoo. I have come to realize that most things are a lot more strenuous and not as enjoyable with 1 year olds. haha Emmett wanted to be free from his stroller and was so grumpy because he missed a nap. Other than that it was fun and the kids enjoyed seeing all the animals. That evening we had some appetizers and brisket for dinner and then watched the BYU football game when the kids were in bed. Sunday we went to Tyrel and Vandy's ward and then the kids played and watched some living scriptures movies and us adults actually got a little bit of a nap in and eventually ate dinner, got kids to bed and watched a movie to end the weekend. So it was fun weekend of playing at parks, the zoo, frog hunting, and kids laughing and staying up way too late and getting up way too early. So it was short and sweet but it was a success! :-) 

We also decided to turn Emmett's car seat around to face him forward. He seemed to like it but wasn't as excited about it as I remember both Ethan and Wyatt being. haha I sure was nice being able to see him though. Plus it made handing Emmett things a lot easier.

Emmett really wanted to get his teeth brushed. He always gets really excited when we turn on the electric toothbrushes. I think he really liked getting his teeth brushed. haha He kept wanting Brandon to brush them more.

Most of the kids huddled around the phone. haha

Emmett wanted to be a big kid and sleep with everyone in the big beds. haha He had a hard time when I tried putting him in the pack n play. Especially when he could hear the older kids laughing and playing still. He did not want to go to bed until it was much quieter.

Tyrel and Vandy needed a lot of help and Emmett was very willing to help especially with painting their carpet! haha

The kids had so much fun on the tire swing. I pushed them around on that for at least 10 minutes. haha

Ethan caught a grasshopper.

The other boys were pretty excited about it too. :-)

Emmett and Piper just watching each other from afar. haha They liked waving to each other. It was pretty cute! :-)

Hunting for frogs.

We found a lot of frogs but no one was able to catch any this time.

Then we took this AMAZING hike......

To this Indian sculpture! haha Thanks Tyrel for walking us up the hill to see this sculpture up close. It was a life changer! haha ;-)

Zoo Time!!!

Emmett really liked the petting zoo!! :-) He was so excited and kept pointing to the goats. I was glad that he was willing to pet them too. It was so cute! 

All of the other kids really liked the petting zoo area too. It was a good way to start off the zoo day. 

Such silly kids! 

The tiger area was the best since the tiger had cubs. The cubs were so cute!! 

So cool being able to see the mama tiger with her cubs. 

The boys also were able to get airbrushed tattoos. 

They were so excited about there animal airbrushed tattoos! Look at those cute boys!! :-) 

Lunch time!

There was music on and the kids were having fun dancing and running around the steps that we were eating at. 

After the fun time at the zoo we headed to get some ice cream. The ice cream was actually really yummy and I kind of wished that I had gotten my own instead of sharing with Brandon! ;-) haha 

I think the kids all enjoyed their ice cream! haha

The crew! 

These crazy kids had so much fun together while we were there. It was so much fun to hear them and watch them have so much fun. The last night that we were there all the kids wanted to sleep in the same bed together. It sure was a party!! haha 

All these kids are so stinking cute! haha We are so blessed to have such a great family and our kids are so blessed to have cousins so close in age! :-) 
It really was a fun trip. It would be so much fun if Ty and Vandy lived closer. Then these crazy kiddos could have fun together more often! The next day the drive seemed way longer than the drive to their house. We stopped a couple more times and were so glad when we finally arrived back home and were able to unwind. 

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