Thursday, June 21, 2018

Birthday Boy!

June 15th this year Emmett turned 3! I still can't believe he is a 3 year old. He had been super excited about his birthday coming for at least a week. Every morning he would say, "Mom! My birthday coming soon!" It was super cute. So we were excited for him to finally have his birthday arrive. We blew up a bunch of balloons and put up streamers and he was so happy about it. He also was very possessive of all the balloons. At first he wanted to pop them and then when Wyatt popped one he was super upset and told him not to pop his balloons. haha After playing with balloons for a little bit we had him color his birthday crown. 

He isn't super into coloring at this stage yet. Although he did do a little bit of coloring so that was good. haha

Then we put on the crown and we all got in the car and made our way to get Birthday donuts! 

We let Emmett pick whatever one he wanted. He ended up wanting the apple fritter which is normally what I get. 

He said it was really good. 

Then when we pulled out the croissant one that Brandon got to let everyone try well at least David and Hayley to try Emmett decided that that one was his too. haha So he had two big donuts on his plate. haha It was really funny! Especially since he didn't really want to share them. He kept saying that they were his. I finally convinced him to let David and Hayley have a bite. haha 

It was fun having David and Hayley with us even if it was short lived. After donuts we headed home for just a little bit and then said Good Bye to David and Hayley. They were then on their way back to Denver and we were headed to the movie theatre to see "The Incredibles 2" We were super excited to see it. I was just hoping that Emmett would be better this time since he is older now. haha We haven't really taken the kids to the movies for a while because Emmett is the worst movie goer ever. All he does is walk around and get into peoples way and make us miss the movie. haha He did do better this time but he still wandered back and forth between my chair, his chair and Daddy's chair. Then a couple of times he just started walking down the isle like he was ready to leave. Some of the time he sat still and drank the diet coke we got. He was more interested in the soda than the popcorn. haha So other than those couple of times he did much better than he normally does at the theater. The movie was awesome! We will be buying it when it comes out. 

After the movie we got home and tried to feed the kids a little something descent and then some friends came over to eat some cake and ice cream with us. It made for a really crazy day! By the way this cake took me all morning to make. I made modeling chocolate and sprayed it silver for the spokes and make rice Krispies for the handle bars and the pedal. It was a lot of work but I think it turned out pretty cute! 

Time to sing "Happy Birthday" and blow out some candles!

 Emmett's first attempt at his candles was a fail. Two other kids next to him decided that they needed to help him so they ended up blowing them out. So I relit the candles and let him do it again. 


The second time he got them for sure! He was so funny because when his friend Allison blew them out the first time Emmett didn't get mad and throw a fit. Instead he just got a little sad and then put his hand gently on Allison's hand to softly tell her not to do it again. haha It was so cute! 

Yummy cake time!! 

 He got 2 little presents from his friends. One was a water painting book and the other was a bunch of candy and light up finger things. Emmett was most excited about the candy. haha 

Then it was present time. 
Wyatt got Emmett a Mickey microphone and Ethan got him a Wubble Bubble ball. Brandon and I got him a new scooter!

He was super excited about all of his cool new presents. 

When he tried the scooter out he wasn't as excited about it. It was kind of hard to turn because he is not used to having to just lean in order to turn. So he isn't quite into yet but after a little practice Im sure he will love it. haha 

Grandpa and GG got him a little hover soccer ball game. All of the boys seem to enjoy it. haha 

He also got 2 dollars from Great Grandma Murri and some money and candy from Grandma and Grandpa Murri. it was a pretty successful birthday. After cake and presents we had to go to Brandon and Wyatt's post op appointment and then we grabbed panda express for Ethan and Wyatt for dinner and Red Robin for me, Brandon and Emmett and ate in the car before heading home and getting ready for bed. It was a really busy day but he seemed to have fun! He really is such a blessing in our family. Even though he still wakes up at night most nights and sometimes a couple of times at night he makes us laugh and is such a sweetheart. He does know how to push his brothers buttons and still throws cars or other hard things at them randomly. He also has started this new thing where he will randomly tell me, "I don't like you." and he will be totally serious! Then when I act sad he will say that he likes me! haha I sure hope that this year of him being 3 isn't any harder than it already has been with him. haha We sure are blessed though and when he is not being a little stinker he can sure be a sweetheart and cuddle up. He still loves to play kitties and or baby cheetahs. We sure do love this kid and couldn't imagine life without him in it!! Happy Birthday Emmett! 

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