Thursday, June 21, 2018

Recovery week

That first day was a whirlwind. That night I got up at 1 and then 5 to give the boys their medicine. I did that for the next week. Every night when I woke up Wyatt I felt bad. He was so tired and a few times he would have a melt down because he just wanted to sleep. Most of the time though it was just hard to wake him up but then he would take a drink, take his medicine and then go right back to sleep. During the day I was constantly making eggs, grabbing ice cream or popsicles, giving them medicine, filling up water bottles with more ice water and trying to keep the house in order and pay a little attention to Emmett and Ethan. It was seriously insane I was really thankful that Ethan had school those first couple days post surgery. Then once school was over Ethan and Emmett were fighting what felt like all day long. So not only was I having to keep on top of Wyatt and Brandon with drinking water and giving them stuff but I was breaking up fights left and right. It was really taxing. Thankfully, Wyatt was doing a great job with drinking his water. I would tell him that every time a show said something or he saw a certain character that he had to take a drink. He did great with that. He also was really hungry and was eating lots of Mac and Cheese and lots of eggs and I would tell him anytime that he ate something that he needed to take a drink every third bite. He was very obedient. I told him lots of times that if he didn't drink enough he would have to go to the hospital and get a shot to get water in his body. So I think that helped motivate him. But, he really did do a great job. One time he played go fish with Brandon and I told him every time someone said go fish they had to take a drink and Wyatt would even remind Brandon that they needed to take a drink. haha

I got little prizes for Wyatt for when he drank the amount of water that I wanted him to drink. He was super excited to get little prizes until he saw what the first one was. He was let down a little bit which was frustrating for me because I thought he was going to like it. Thankfully that motivated him to keep drinking so that he could get the next surprise.

That Wednesday, the day before the last day of school, I surprised Ethan at school for lunch. I packed us a lunch and surprised him. He had been asking me when I was going to have lunch with him at his school. So I finally made it happen. He was super excited to see me and said, "You finally made it!" haha We ate lunch with a few of his other classmates and his teacher Ms. Bell. He loved Ms. Bell this year and I think he will miss her next year!

The last day of school!!!

After a few days Wyatt's and Brandon's ears started to hurt them. I felt bad seeing them hurting. One morning Wyatt's throat and ears were hurting him and he was crying mostly about his ears. So I gave him his medicine which he fought me a little bit but I told him that it was the only way that his ears would stop hurting and then I put some warm wash clothes on his ears. After a little bit his ears stopped hurting.
Then he was ready to get up and wanting to play.

I told Wyatt that he needed to take it easy and that the only way I would let him play in the water was if he just splashed a little bit. He did pretty good at listening to me for the most part. I had to keep reminding him to not run around and that he needed to take it easy and slow.

Emmett was loving our new pool we bought.

look at that white scabby throat! It just looked like it hurt!! 

We did make it out to target one afternoon. I needed to get more sunscreen and Brandon wanted to get out of the house. He got a little stir crazy like Wyatt. So we went to Target and Emmett found this 4th of July headband and put it on like this and started shaking them back and forth and said that he was a girl. haha Where do my kids get these ideas! haha 

A little more pool time! 

Brandon was feeling pretty good for the most part. He was sore but he could handle it. Wyatt started to feel the worse around day 3 post surgery. He seemed to be worse from 3-5 or 6 and Brandon started feeling the worst on day 5 post surgery. He had been doing really good until Sunday. Sunday morning he woke up and just felt awful! His medicine barely did anything for him and his ears were hurting pretty bad. He also said it felt like swallowing glass every time he swallowed. Poor guy! We were thinking of going to church that morning and just going to sacrament getting but then he felt so awful that we just decided it was better to stay home. Brandon was also worried because he was supposed to go back to work on Wednesday. So we were hopeful that he would start feeling better. Sunday till Tuesday I believe were his worst days, at least I think that was it. Wednesday he was feeling a little better but ended up canceling his day of work that day. Thursday he planned on going in just until lunch. Thankfully he was feeling ok enough to go in for just the morning. However, he was completely beat by the time he got home and in need of some medicine. After that though he started to feel better and we even got out on a date and went golfing Friday. So he was finally at the turn around point at about a week and a half post surgery. Oh and did I mention that Wyatt caught Ethan and Emmett's cold as well? Ya... right when he could breathe better from his tonsils being removed then he caught a cold and couldn't breathe through his nose. He also wasn't supposed to blow his nose because they removed his terpenoids just like Brandon. So he was left with his nose being stuffy and having to breathe through his mouth which made his throat dry out quicker. One evening Wyatt fell asleep on the couch and I let him sleep that way for just a little bit and then I decided to move him to the bed near the humidifer. When I went to wake him up to take his medicine about an hour later he had a complete melt down. One he was super tired and two his throat dried out. So I had him take his medicine and then he was crying and slightly screaming and doing a cough/clear throat kind of thing. At that point there was no reasoning with him. I tried to talk him down and get him to stop cry coughing and screaming but he wouldn't listen because his throat and ears were hurting so badly. I felt bad and at the same time I was so worried that he was going to cause his throat to start bleeding and that was the last thing we wanted to deal with. I didn't want to take him back in and have them re cauterize his throat. I was trying to talk him down for probably 20 minutes. Thankfully the rest of that night he drank his water and took his medicine with no problems. He only had that happen one maybe two other times. The rest of the time he did a great job. Sometimes during the day he would complain that his ears hurt right after taking his medicine but that was really just on his worst days. So I tried diluting his medicine with water or in juice just so it wasn't so potent. Brandon said that his medicine burned going down his throat and made his ears hurt too. So I guess it all made sense. It still was not fun for me or them. 

Emmett went outside and when he came back inside he said, "Mom. Im bleeding!" When I went to look he had put pink chalk on his hand and said it was blood. haha What a silly goose! 

After surviving the first week post surgery Ethan had cub scout day camp to go to on Tuesday and Wednesday. He was super excited and it was really nice that he was able to get out of the house all day long. Since I was still trying to keep Wyatt from being too active and I didn't want to deal with Ethan and Emmett fighting all day it worked out really nicely! 

That Tuesday I also took just Emmett to the pool. While Ethan was gone at scout day camp I turned a movie on for Brandon and Wyatt and took Emmett out for some good quality one on one time. He definitely needed it! 

He was so much happier after we went to the pool together. You could tell he needed that time badly after the past week of me barely giving him any attention because I was so busy with Brandon and Wyatt and trying to maintain the house. 

Wyatts scabs starting to go away at the week point. 

Jason Ortiz sent us this picture of Ethan from scout day camp. He looked so hot and sweaty and so happy. 

When Ethan got home that afternoon he was tired but happy. He was super excited that he had another day of scout camp. He really loved it! 

The next morning I went outside and found this baby bird stuck in our trampoline. I told Wyatt and Emmett and they came out to look. They were pretty concerned about the bird being stuck in the trampoline and Wyatt even went and found a little centipede to feed to the bird. haha
The bird kept trying to fly out but couldn't quite make it out. Then he finally made it up to the top of the trampoline. 

They were so excited that the bird made it out of the trampoline! If you couldn't tell by their faces. haha 

Once the bird got to the top of the trampoline it just stayed there and waited and soon the mom bird came with a worm in her mouth and fed it to the baby. I tried to get that on camera but I was at the wrong angle when it happened. 

After that exciting morning I made my way to the chiropractor. I put a show on for Wyatt and got him  more water and some ice cream and then I took off. Brandon was still sleeping (my appointment was at 10) so I took Emmett with me and left a note for Brandon when he woke up. When I got back he was awake and seemed to be feeling better than he had. He had started feeling better Tuesday but knew that he wouldn't be able to handle a full day of work. When he slept past 10 I was glad that he took Wednesday off. He needed as much sleep as he could get especially since Wyatt would kick him and put his legs on him at night and snore because of his cold. So it was good that he slept in. Then he wanted to get out of the house for a little bit. He needed to go to the bank and we went one other place before heading down to Loveland where he was meeting somebody to buy me a present for my birthday. haha On our way down to Loveland we stopped and grabbed some sonic for lunch. Then when I looked back as we were on our way down to Centerra Wyatt was falling asleep. He had started to drool on himself. Then he moved and relaxed again. Before I knew it he had started a bubble trail from his mouth. haha When I looked back and saw this I couldn't believe it. haha I started laughing and took a picture. Then a minute later I looked back again and it had gotten longer. I was laughing so hard and then I showed Brandon. He started busting up laughing! Poor guy was laughing so hard and couldn't stop even though it hurt his throat to laugh so hard. This is why.... 

The kids bubble strand kept getting longer and longer and then was touching his chest. haha We didn't even know that was possible to have that many bubbles connected and coming from your mouth. haha It was so funny we laughed for a long time about it. Brandon just thought when I took the picture it was going to be some drool or something he never expected to see what I showed him. haha My guess as to why he could do this is because when their scabs started to heal and disappear there were bubbles all over their scabs. So I am guessing that as he was falling asleep he didn't want to swallow them and just started pushing them forward. That and he had drank a tiny amount of a peach slushy. So maybe the mixture of the bubble from his throat and the sugary syrup from the drink made it possible. Who knows.. all we know is it was hilarious!! 
Anyways, after that weekend life got basically back to normal. Wyatt was basically all better. He wasn't getting medicine at night anymore and I was barely giving him medicine during the day. Brandon went back to full days of work that following Monday and we were back to normal every day life. Wyatt was completely off meds by I think that Monday and Wyatt was back in his room with Ethan and Brandon was back in our room with humidifiers going for a few more nights. Overall recovery was I think a little better than we had anticipated. Wyatt did a really good job with drinking his water and the hardest thing for him was that he wanted to be able to play and he wanted to eat normal food. He was pretty tired of sherbet, ice cream and popsicles. He didn't even want popsicles by the fourth day. Other than that he was more pouty and emotional than normal. He would cry about things like not being able to eat a hamburger or not getting popcorn or chips or if I told him he didn't drink enough to get a prize. Sometimes he just didn't want to go to bed. It was kind of frustrating having him throw little fits because of dumb things but I expected him to be more emotional. The doc had told me that he would probably be more emotional than normal. So I anticipated it and tried to stay calm when he did throw a fit. Brandon was able to eat way more than he had thought he would and he was expecting to loose 10 to 15 pounds from this and he didn't. He was kind of bummed about that. haha He did say that if his Sunday and Monday pain was how he felt the whole time than he would have eaten less and would have probably lost the weight he had thought he would have. So I think for him it was better than he expected except for those 2 days where it was really bad. I was glad when they were recovered. It had been a lot of work for me too to be taking care of 2 people post surgery. For that first week I don't think I sat down for more than 5 minutes during the day. Plus I was waking them both us to give them medicine 2 times at night. It was a lot of work. In all reality I was glad I wasn't pregnant (we have been wanting to be for over a year). It would have been really hard to keep up with everything if I was sick or tired from being pregnant. I was tired enough doing everything not pregnant. So it was a good thing that I was healthy and strong so that I could take care of these boys while they recovered. Brandon also caught a cold once he started to feel better. Which was really lame because it took it out of him for sure. Oh, I forgot to mention that Brandon while recovering got really tired of watching movies and sitting around all day. He read 2 books in like 2 days and then we tried to get out to the store a couple of times. Just walking around the store for 30 minutes or longer took it out of him and he was ready to just sit and do nothing. I don't think he expected to be so exhausted. Anyways, we made it through recovery and now they are doing so much better. Brandon's throat still hurts when he yawns and Wyatt has said that his ears hurt when he yawns. Other than that they are back to normal. One funny thing was when we went to the pool the following week Wyatt saw one of his friends Mila Henderson from church and preschool and she told him that his voice sounded different. haha I haven't noticed it but I also see him every day. So now I am curious if it does sound any different. I am going to have to record him saying something and then look back at a video of him saying something before he got his tonsils out. haha Anyways, we are glad it is over with and that they don't have to worry about their tonsils every again because, they don't have any! haha 

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