Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The last of August

After the first days of school it warmed back up again. Thankfully the Harmony pool by the golf course is still open. So after school one afternoon I took Wyatt and Emmett to the pool to cool off a little bit. 

We were the only ones there. It felt like it was our very own pool. There was music going and everything. It was pretty fun! The bees and wasps were bad though. So we tried to stay in the water and avoid them. 

I had to take a picture of the boys both wearing grey shirts and grey shorts. haha They were so color coordinated and didn't even realize it until I pointed it out. haha

While Ethan and Wyatt are at school I have been trying to take advantage of the time I get with just Emmett. So we have gone to the park quite a few times. Emmett loves it!! 

Brandon and I were also in our very first golf tournament together. It was a couple tournament and I was excited. I didn't play that great but I was hitting my driver like a boss. haha I don't think I have ever hit my driver that good and as consistently as I did that night. It felt good. We lost taking second place because there was a tie. Too bad!! It was a lot of fun though and the dinner after was from some Hawaiian restaurant in Windsor and it was really yummy! It was a fun night out! 

Oh and this also happened. We finally moved Emmett up!

He is officially in a big boy bed! 

He was so excited that he laid there for quite a while before getting out. We left the crib up in the room though so that we can use it as incentive for him to stay in bed. If he is naughty than we will put him in the crib. He did pretty well for the most part. He has gotten up early in the morning a few times and still has cried a couple of times at night. But he is doing pretty good. 

Wyatt and Emmett have also been able to get some time to play together with Ethan being gone at school. It is a good and bad thing. Emmett is so much like Ethan and had started his awful 3's so that makes it hard sometimes for them to play well together. Other than that I think and hope that they can grow closer together this year. 

When its hot you have to enjoy some popsicles! 

We also were able to get out and go golfing in the mornings with just Emmett and Brandon and I. It was super fun to get out in the morning. Brandon had a really slow Wednesday one week set up a Tee time for us to go. So we got ready and after sending the boys off to school headed to the course. 
Emmett loved going golfing with just Daddy and I. It was pretty fun. We did that on a Friday morning as well. I have enjoyed getting out more too! 

A little more park time with this crazy monkey! 

This kid is seriously so crazy! He is in his awful 3's for sure. He sure looks cute but he is terrible these days. It feels like he is always crying or throwing a fit. He always wants his Daddy and screams when he doesn't get him or when he is gone. There are many mornings when I go in to get him and he starts screaming that he doesn't want me he wants Dad. So I leave! It has been a rough couple of week with his tantrums and crying. By the end of the day I am spent and super done with him. It has bee tough. It sad when I want him to be 4 already. haha I am trying to enjoy him being 3 though and having him home. Some days thankfully are a little better. So I just need to hold on to those days for now. 

Wyatt and Daddy had some one on one time and went bowling. Wyatt was so excited to go bowling with his Dad.

While they bowled Emmett and I played at the arcade for some one on one time as well. 

Emmett was stoked to win candy! I think he ate almost all of it while we waited for Daddy and Wyatt to finish bowling. Wyatt did a really good job bowling. He did better than I can do! 

Ok, so the story behind this picture.. haha Ethan was supposed to do a self portrait. He was super excited about his self portrait and told me all about it. He told me how he did his teeth and his hair. So when I got to school for back to school night and saw his self portrait I was needless to say stunned. haha I think I laughed out loud for like 10 minutes. Then when I got home and showed Brandon I laughed even harder. haha He worked so hard on it! Which is great but it was pretty funny to actually see it! 

Then in Wyatt's class for Back to School night after the meeting his teacher pulled me over and showed me this picture. She said that they do these papers every morning and Wyatt drew this. She said she asked him what he did that day and Wyatt told her, "I worked on my 8 pack!" haha He told her he had lifted weights that day. When she asked him when he responded, "oh, before school." haha What a silly kid! I seriously love his "8 pack" picture. haha Another one I busted up laughing about! haha It was a night full of laughter that is for sure. 

Another golf outing!! I love watching Brandon help these little boys learn how to golf. It is so cute! 

Then one evening Brandon had a football game to go to in Denver. So I decided it would be fun to go Chick-Fil-A. Instead of driving there I decided it would be fun to ride out bikes there. A storm blew in so we had to wait for it to blow through so we didn't get poured on or ride our bikes while there was thunder and lightning. So we waited a little while and then took off. 

Emmett did a pretty good job. He rode his bike a little ways but then I stuck him and his bike inside the trailer and finished the ride. 

It was fun and we were tired and the boys were dirty by the time we got home because they rode through the wet grass. Sadly the play place was closed that evening which was a bummer. So we got there and had to just eat and then head back home. It was still fun though and now anytime we are going to go to Chick-Fil-A Wyatt asks if we are going to ride our bikes there. haha 

We also took the boys to Mod pizza one evening. I enjoy the weather when it is nice enough to sit outside and eat. Especially when we go to a yummy place like Mod pizza and can sit outside and enjoy good food and each others company! 

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