Wednesday, July 27, 2016

1 Year old already!!

Well its official as of June 15th. Emmett is 1!! I can't believe he is already a 1 year old. How did that year go by so fast!! It seems like just yesterday he was this tiny little baby and now he is getting so big and trying to walk around and eating what we eat. He is such a smilie little guy and really a happy little one. On his birthday I warmed up some cinnamon rolls that I had in the freezer and let them have that for breakfast and then we went to the pool and had some fun for a little while. After Daddy got home from work we went to Chick Fil A for dinner and I got Emmett his own chocolate milk. He LOVED it!!! He didn't eat much else besides drinking the milk and then we let him play in the play area for a little bit. By the time we got home he was getting pretty tired. So we opened presents and then had cake. However, he was so tired and ready to go to bed by the time we were getting the cake out and we were trying to video chat with both Brandon's parents and mine so it was pretty crazy! Emmett was not very happy and did not want anything to do with his cake. I had spent so much time getting that cake made and hoping he would have dug into it or at least grabbed at it since it looked like a basketball but no he didn't want it. So we put him out of his misery and sent him to bed. For a 1 year old I would say it was a pretty good birthday. It can only go uphill from here! :-)

Good morning to the Birthday Boy!!! What a cutie pie!!!!


By his expression it looks like he is thinking, "WOW this is really yummy!!" At least that is what I was thinking! haha

Fun at the pool with his brothers!

He has gotten so much better at walking. By his birthday he could take 4-10 steps at a time. It really was dependent on if he wanted to or not. But he LOVES to practice!!

I guess he wasn't too into the Chick Fil A dinner! He would rather share his food than eat it. Maybe I should have made spaghetti. I know he likes that! haha

It took Emmett a little bit to get the hang of unwrapping his presents. After the first one though he started to get it and then that is all he wanted to do.

As you can tell by the expression on his face after opening his first present he didn't really care too much. haha I think he had more fun with unwrapping the presents then what was actually inside! haha 

We got Emmett a few books, bath toys and one of those pushing ball popper toys. He wasn't walking completely by his first birthday so Ethan and Wyatt played with that toy more than Emmett. haha 

The basketball cake!! It was fun making this cake. I used 2 cake mixes and cooked them in ceramic bowls and then put them together and froze them and then used a knife and finished shaping it. The only thing I wish I had done better was the black lines on the basketball. Oh well, it turned out pretty cute! 

While we were trying to figure out the video chatting with both sets of Grandparents Emmett was restless and so Ethan started having Emmett give him kisses. haha 

They were laughing so hard and having so much fun giving kisses over and over again. haha Silly kids! 

This picture just says it all on how Emmett really felt. haha He was so tired and so grumpy. We should have just given up and tried the next day! haha 

After Emmett just starring at it I pushed his hand into it. He was not too happy about that. After crying for a minute he started to just play around with it a little bit. 

Not much of a fan I don't think! haha 

Haha Its as if he is wanting to say, "GET IT OFF!!!" haha He was so upset!! Poor little buddy had a busy day!

These were the best pictures I could get of our little 1 year old. With naps and eating it is hard to get out at a good time with the lighting being right. However, they turned out pretty cute. Its not hard to turn out cute when you have such a cute little boy to take pictures of! :-) 
For an update on what Emmett was up to by his first birthday. 
His doctors appointment he weighed in at 17 lbs.(which is a little smaller than what Ethan was at by 1 years old) His height was somewhere over 2ft. these past 2 months have been so crazy and I forgot to write it down. 
Anyways, Emmett by 1 years old could take up to 10 steps by himself. It was normally about 4 and then he would dive for one of us to catch him. Sometimes though he would get going and take up to 10 steps by himself. He also could wave, point to things, give kisses, give high fives, clap, drink through a straw (not sure if I have said that in other updates), he says
"cheese" when we take pictures and tell him to say cheese (super cute), says "wow" and "oh, and blows bubbles in the water. Im sure there is something that I am missing but at this point that will have to do. He loves to eat pretty much any fruit you give him except for bananas. He likes bananas but not as much as other fruits. He loves mac and cheese and does pretty well with his vegetables as long as I don't give him the same veggie too many days in a row. He will eat chicken nuggets and likes ketchup with them. He really just likes to eat anything that we are eating. He really likes golf fish snacks and other crackers that we give him for snacks. He is on whole milk and is not off the bottle completely yet. He sleeps through the night more now but still wakes up once at night sometimes for a bottle. Which with him being so light in weight I feel like he can use whatever he will drink! haha He loves his brothers and wants to be a part of what they are doing and likes it when they chase after him. It has been a really rough first year with him. Between sickness, ear infections, lack of sleep, always changing what he will and won't eat and worrying about his weight it has been a really rough year. The first year with Emmett has taken the cake for craziness compared to Ethan and Wyatt. However, we made it through one rough year so hopefully this next one will be easier! Other than the things that have made it a tough year with Emmett he sure is a cutie and very happy!! We sure do love him and love seeing his personality shine through more and more each day!! Happy Birthday Little Man! We sure do Love you!!!

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