Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ty and Vandy's visit

Thursday morning after Ty and Vandy got to our house Vandy went in to Brandon's office to get her work done on her teeth. After Vandy was dropped off at the office Tyrel and I took the kids to the park for a little bit. After a little while it warmed up enough to go to the pool. So I got the kids ready and I took the older kids to the pool once the babies were down for naps. Then when I got back from the pool with the kids Ty took Piper to Brans office and said that they were almost done with Vandy. So I stayed with the rest of the kiddos and fed them lunch and let them play together. They had a bunch of fun and didn't fight really at all. 

Kemry didn't want to walk home from the park so she climbed into the double stroller. haha 

At the pool Tate did not want to get in the water. Luckily I had packed some snacks so he sat on a chair and ate some snacks while I took the other kids into the pool. 

Ethan wanted to help Kemry get ready for the pool. So he blew up one of her floaty's while I did the other one. He did a good job! :-) He is such a good helper sometimes! 

What cute kiddos! My boys sure loved having their cousins in town! Ethan looks so old in this picture! 

After the pool, lunch and playing in the basement for a little while the kids wanted to have a dance party. 
The dance party ended up turning out to be like this....

All the boys looking bored and Kemry dancing around having fun! haha 

Then we had some watermelon outside! 

It started to rain a little bit and the kids decided to run out in the rain and Kemry said she saw a rainbow!

In the front yard Tate decided that Lightning McQueen needed to be washed. He stuck him in the neighbors sprinklers and then I gave him a towel to dry him off. haha

Of coarse we had to take them to snooze as well. So Friday morning we headed to snooze for some breakfast. Originally they were going to leave on Friday morning but decided to stay until Sunday.

After some yummy breakfast we decided to walk around a little bit and show them a little bit of Old Town. 

The kids had so much fun playing outside for a little bit before we headed back home. 

Then while the boys played Golf one morning I let the kids do marshmallow sculptures. 

They had a blast. Especially when they were able to eat them afterwards. I told them that they had to build things for 10 minutes before they could eat the marshmallows or else they would have just eaten the marshmallows without taking the time to build anything. haha 

Ty and Vandy reading to the kids one night. They were so excited to have a story read to them. :-) 

The kids also were very interested in making sure that Emmett did not fall down the stairs. Emmett started to crawl up the stairs and all of the kids followed behind him. haha 

Tate has crazy... eyes!! haha

 These kids had so much fun together!!

Walking to the pool for some fun. :-) 
During that weekend while Ty and Vandy were here Emmett started walking a little better. He would walk from the couch to the wall in the kitchen and then keep walking from one stable object to the next to be able to get around. He was having so much fun with trying to get better at walking around so we knew that he was getting close to be a full time walker. It was fun having Ty and Vandy and their kids over for the weekend. Once they left we realized that we had a week to get the rest of our house in order and ready for the family reunion. It was going to be a crazy week with the 4th of July, Ethans Birthday/Birthday party and Family getting in town that upcoming weekend. We had a lot to do in not very much time. Bring on the crazy!!!! :-) 

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