Sunday, July 10, 2016

Having fun at home!

I do believe this is Emmett's "Cheese" face. He has started to say cheese when we tell him to say it. It is pretty cute! 

Emmett has also gotten to the phase of not wanting to sit in the cart at the store. I have to buckle him now and he still turns around and tries to stand up and gets super mad that he can't! haha

I gave Emmett his very first protein drink! He seemed to like it. It sure is a cute smile! :-) 

One afternoon I decided instead of going to the pool we would just play in the water in the backyard. Emmett had way more fun playing in the backyard than he does going to the pool. Mostly just because he can crawl around and go where he wants to. At the pool I end up holding most of the time. So this is way more fun for him! 

He kept blowing bubbles in the water and then laughing. Sometimes he would get too much water in his nose or something and come up and almost start to get scared and cry but then Ethan would laugh and he would start laughing! haha it was so funny to watch! Although I wasn't loving the fact that he was sticking his face in the water. I kept worrying that he was going to suck in water! Oh well they had fun! :-) 

Our community pool is a blast, but, so is playing in the backyard. The boys had so much fun and Emmett had more fun than going to the pool! I think this summer is a better summer to spend more time in the backyard with the age that Emmett is at right now! It was fun to watch them having fun and not really worrying about anyone drowning. 

It gets pretty crowded with all 3 boys in one bath tub. Plus Ethan and Wyatt don't really enjoy Emmett being in the tub with them because he crawls all over the place and tries to grab them and their toys. haha  

One night when the boys went to sleep we were watching a movie or something on T.V. When we headed to bed we found Wyatt on the stairs. haha Silly kid. This normally does not happen at night. Sometimes during the day when he is exhausted and needs a nap but this is the first time that it has happened at night. Plus, the fact that he actually stayed in the position for quite a while is impressive. haha 

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