Wednesday, April 26, 2017

New Begninings

Since I was called back into being the Personal Progress leader for our new ward I was put in charge of New Beginnings. I decided on doing an "Under the Sea" theme. I decided on this theme when I was recovering was food poisoning or some kind of tummy bug. I was sitting on the couch trying to think of what to do New Beginnings on and the boys were watching BBC's "The Hunt". The show started talking about the Lion fish and how it gets its prey. I hit me while watching that segment that the Lion fish scenario was perfect to use in my personal progress segment for New Beginnings. The Lion fish hangs out in plain sight right in the middle of its prey not doing anything. The fish ends up confusing the other fish into a false sense of security and then before the little fish know it the Lion Fish has gotten within snatching distance and grabs his meal. It was perfect!! So the "Under the Sea" theme was born. It was my first experience doing this kind of big night and I had to delegate out to get everything done. Thankfully the night was a success and everyone had a good time! :-) 
My visual aids for my Personal Progress segment. Each class of girls was given their own fish and then we played a game where they tied a balloon around their ankle and had to try to use the Values shown to protect themselves from the sharks (the leaders). 

Our snack and refreshment table! 

One of the Young Women wanted to do the decorations and she came through for sure!! The decorations were super cute. I had "The Little Mermaid" song "under the Sea" playing while everyone arrived. 

When it was my turn I came in the room looking like this and pretended to swim down the isle and everyone laughed. Whats even funnier is that a lot of the girls and parents don't know me and I had quite a few people not realize that I was who I was. They didn't recognize me and thought that I had blonde hair. So when I was talking with everyone after the activity while they were getting dessert a lot of people were shocked when they found out that I was the one who had the blonde wig on. haha It was pretty funny! Anyways, it was a successful night and I was glad when it was over. haha 

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