Thursday, April 20, 2017

The rest of February back home!

After arriving back home after our amazing trip to California I was looking forward to having some down time and being able to enjoy the day off of school that Ethan had that coming Monday. However, Ethan ended up getting a tummy bug that Sunday. I had to stay home from church to see if Ethan was going to feel better or not and Brandon went to church with Wyatt and Emmett. I then decided to take Ethan with me in the car to switch with Brandon so that I could teach the primary class that I had planned on subbing for. Ethan did not feel good and sat in the car with a bowl while I figured out what to do. There was only an hour left so Brandon just kept an eye on Ethan and then we headed home after third hour. That night Wyatt started to not feel good and ended up throwing up. So that Monday that was supposed to be fun turned into a day of dumping out bowls of throw up and trying to get the kids to eat or drink anything that they would. Luckily, Emmett did not catch their tummy bug. Ethan woke up Tuesday and felt better. So he headed off to school. Wyatt was still feeling sickly and wanted to just watch TV all day. Sadly, when he is sick I normally give in and let him watch movies or cartoons and make him take naps all day. Thankfully the sickness ended quickly and no one else got it. However, the next weekend Ethan came down with a tummy bug again! We were at church and Ethan didn't seem to feel well. He told me he didn't want to go to primary so he just sat in class with me and then he said he felt like he was going to throw up. The poor kid felt so sick and just wanted to go home. The problem was that Brandon was teaching Gospel Doctrine and we only had the one car. So I got the keys from Brandon and let Ethan sit in the car with a bowl and turned on a movie for him. Then Brandon kept an eye on him while I went to Young Women's to be help out in the Beehive class and after church was out we headed home and Ethan slept most of the rest of the day. He was still sick the next day and Wyatt complained that his tummy was hurting him too. So we had yet another couple of days of kids throwing up yet again. This time Ethan had to miss a day of school. Thankfully Emmett did not catch this tummy bug either!! It was a sad couple of weekends at our house for the rest of February. We did have some fun times in between all those puking days! haha So here are pictures from the good times! :-)  

Ethan still loves to create things. He was trying to use these pieces of wood to get a bouncy ball to be able to roll all the way down them without falling off. 

Emmett still likes to get into the tupperware cabinet and now likes to get the water bottles out and suck on the straws! haha 

Yet again, Emmett wanted to copy his brother and be like super man on the swing! :-)

One afternoon I took Wyatt and Emmett to the park. It was supposed to rain later that day and I figured it would be fun to get to the park before the storm came in. 

Ethan earned his very own ice cream at Freddy's for something he did. I want to say it was for doing his homework and reading without fighting me or something like that! haha Too bad this was the night before he got sick again. 

Emmett has been going through this phase where he wants to not just sit by Wyatt but he wants to sit in Wyatt's chair with him. haha Wyatt is not a fan of Emmett trying to take over his chair so he tries to push Emmett's food away thinking it will make Emmett move. Ya, it doesn't work, Emmett just grabs his bowl and moves right back! haha 

What better way to spend a colder day than making a fort and reading inside it with the fire on! :-) 

This kid is seriously on the table every second of the day that he can be! Sadly, I have kind of given up on trying to keep him off the table. I take him off and tell him to get off so many times in a day that I end up just washing my hands of it and letting him. haha Which is probably why he keeps getting on the table. He knows I will eventually cave and let him do what he wants! haha I guess that is what happens with a third child! haha 

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