Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The first part of our Cali Trip

After arriving that Saturday we had to send Brandon back home on an Airplane that Sunday afternoon so he could work for the week before the real party started. We were sad to see him go but with being gone for 2 weeks someone has to bring home the bacon. While he was gone we hung around the house and did a little homework with Ethan and road scooters on the trail, played in the backyard and went to a bounce house place. It was a fun week and yet crazy with not having Brandon to help out. Thankfully my mom was there with me every step of the way to help me out with my 3 crazy boys! haha 

The first couple of days were cloudy and rainy and then the sun decided to come out and it got hot enough that the boys wanted to play in the water outside! haha 

When you are at Grandpa and GG's house and you tell GG you want waffles and whip cream and berries for breakfast, GG delivers!! haha Wyatt was so stoked when GG gave him this! haha 

Emmett loved the little play set that my parents have in their backyard. He played on it quite a bit. He also would find tiny bugs on it and say, "eww" and then be scared and run away when he almost touched them or they moved. haha 

There were only a couple of strawberries left on my parents plants and GG picked this one so they could eat it. Well then they saw the ants and Emmett kept looking at the bugs instead of the strawberry. 
Then Emmett moved the strawberry out of the way and picked up some green part of the plant that was on the wall and ate that instead of eating the red strawberry right in front of him. haha What a nut! 
Wyatt was so excited to play ring toss with GG. 

Ethan got to play catch with Grandpa!

Then the boys argued while playing tetherball. 

watching the living scriptures with Grandpa! 

When the movie was almost over the boys ran upstairs to find the swords that were in the room they were sleeping in so that they could be like the stripping warriors on the movie! :-) So cute!!

Then of course what is a Sunday evening without a movie and malts sitting next to Grandpa!! haha 
I love it when they sit next to each other on a couch! They just look so cute and I just love them so much!! Especially since Wyatt looks like he is trying to feed his nose his malt instead of his mouth! haha 
Oh joy homework time!!! Ethan gets so mad at me so quickly when it comes to homework. I think I had been working on his homework with him for maybe 2 minutes and he flipped out on me and was yelling at me. So my mom took over for a minute to see if he would cooperate with her instead. He finally decided he would do it with me reluctantly while my mom too Wyatt and Emmett upstairs to play so that Ethan could concentrate. It was so great being able to be in Cali with my parents for 2 weeks but it was really hard having to do the amount of homework that he was supposed to do while we were on vacation and all he wanted to do was play. 

Then one morning we went to a bounce house place. The boys loved it!! Emmett was terrified of going down the slides for quite a while. I finally had to take him down one of the smaller slides a couple of times and then when I decided to just sit him next to me instead of on my lap he thought it was fun all of a sudden and then wanted to go down the slides over and over again. haha He was a little too small so he had a hard time getting up the stairs so I had to take him and after a while it was pretty tiring. Ethan and Wyatt were having a blast and they were going up and down the slides as fast as possible. 

Emmett kept stepping into these huge foam kinex things that they had. He would step into it and get stuck and then start to whine and cry for help! haha You would think he would learn from his mistake but no, he would do it again a little later! haha 

GG got to take Emmett on the slides too! haha

Emmett was pretty grumpy by the end and was mad that I was putting on his shoes or something. I can't really remember. I just remember that he was really made and kept giving me the death stare! haha 

It was a lot of fun and we were there for about 2 1/2 hours. It was past lunch time so we tried to hurry home and feed the boys and let them relax a little bit. I was really hoping to get Emmett home before he fell asleep so he could eat some lunch and then take a good long nap. That didn't go over very well. He was so exhausted that even though we were talking to him and trying to keep him awake he would try to open his eyes and they would just roll in the back of his head. haha We got back to the house and I tried to get him to just drink a bottle even but he didn't even want that, he just kept crying and throwing a tantrum. So I gave up and put him to bed. Ethan and Wyatt then ate some lunch while they watched a movie and relaxed.

After Emmetts nap we went to the Ontario Mills mall to look for some new shoes for Ethan at the Nike Outlet. Thankfully we found some cool shoes for him and then got the kids a pretzel to share.

That evening we hit IN N OUT for dinner since we were out and about and didn't plan anything for dinner. So instead of going home and trying to figure something out we just headed to IN N OUT. Emmett was unruly!!! He was all over the place that night. He was on the table, off the table and then back on the table. He almost knocked Wyatt's food off the table. It was just craziness and I was regretting going to IN N OUT and trying to handle them when they were so tired! haha My mom was just laughing at how completely crazy they were being mostly Emmett. Ethan was just so tired that he looked like he was going to fall asleep right then and there and Wyatt was so tried that he gets more disobedient and whiny and cries about things. Needless to say I was glad when they were in bed that night! haha 

But... who can stay mad at a face like that! haha 

The next day GG was being the teacher and helping Ethan do his homework. It is crazy at how much better he handles other people working with him. He just does not like to work with me. 

Then to Costco to grab a few things and to eat pizza of course!! 

When it was nice a sunny and warm we decided to wash our disaster of a car. 
The boys were stoked to "help" or really to just play with buckets of soapy water! haha 

Wyatt kept going back over the spots that I had already washed and sprayed off. I had to keep telling him that I had already washed that part of the car. Then Ethan would do the same thing. So I guess the car just got extra clean! ;-) Emmett was soaked by the end of our car washing extravaganza and so  was Ethan and Wyatt. 

One of the days it was really warm and we decided to take the kids on the trail and let them ride scooters. He packed up snacks, waters and sprayed them sun screen. After a little while Emmett wanted to get out and run around as well. Ethan and Wyatt just kept taking off as fast and as far as they could go. At one point we couldn't see them because they had gotten too far away. I didn't think that they would cross the busy street that they had gone towards but I started to doubt myself as I couldn't see them. So I started to run being worried that even if they hadn't crossed the street that it was a busy enough street to be worried if they were standing too close. Sure enough when we got to them Ethan was coming back and Wyatt was standing on the curb at the street line. I told him that he couldn't get that close and that if he fell on accident into the street he would be hit by a car. I had to tell him that I didn't want him to go to heaven yet so he needed to stay farther away. The new rule was that they had to stay close enough so that we could see them and they couldn't pass the yellow poles when they got closer to the streets. 

Emmett kept doing this little thing with his hands that he would reach his hands up high in the air and then bring them back down at his elbows and say, "Yes!" haha It is super cute!! 

By the time we headed back to the house Ethan and Wyatt were super hot and super tired. Wyatt kept wanting to just watch and wanting to carry his scooter. So when we got back to the house my mom filled up their little pool so they could cool off with some water fun!

But, since they were going to play in the water in a  little area my mom decided that she needed to cut the grass so that it could be cut before they got it wet. Instead of doing just one little area she decided to cut the entire yard. Now mind you, she had had a problem earlier that day after we exercised where he heart rate was way too high when we were driving home from the gym and she felt dizzy. Her heart rate finally came down but instead of taking it easy that day we went walking in the hot sun with the kids and then she decided to mow the lawn. Now I know where I get my problem of pushing myself too far! haha 

Emmett wanted to be like GG and cut the grass too so he was following behind her with this dumb truck! It was so cute to watch his tiny little self pushing this truck behind her. :-) 

Then the boys had some fun playing with the hose and spraying each other. Ethan would get closer to Wyatt and spray him and Wyatt would get mad and then when it was Wyatt's turn to spray Ethan, Ethan would tell Wyatt that he couldn't be as close as he was. I had to intervene a couple of times to make a little fairer for Wyatt. Ethan sure is good at bossing his brother around. 

Ethan said he needed to go pee. Since he was all wet GG told him to pee on the tree. So that is literally what Ethan did. haha This was Ethan's pee mark on the tree. The kid has some power behind his pee. haha

Then all of a sudden the boys were in just their underwear! haha 

After a little while my mom had them help her clean up all the rotten tomatoes out of their garden. 

Ethan was a little grossed out! haha 

Wyatt was super excited to be helping out and showing how strong he was! 

Then they found some rollie pollies which they thought were so cute! haha 
They ended up catching a bunch of them. 
At one point we were talking about lizards and what they eat. When I said that lizards eat bugs and rollie pollies both the boys gasped at the same time and said, "but they are so cute" haha what silly little boys!

Picnic dinner in the garage! :-) 

Our last night we spent letting the kids play with the remote control cars that my mom had gotten for them to play with and eating their dinner in the garage. They had a blast and it allowed them to get some more wiggles out before going to bed. During that week we also had a couple dance parties were the boys got to show off their awesome dance moves. haha Wyatt has become a little break dancer and Ethan has started to try and dance to the beat instead of just moving his legs as fast as they can go. Emmett tries to follow both of them and they all made us laugh for quite a while overtime we would turn on the music and let them boogie on down! haha :-) 

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