Thursday, April 20, 2017

Our Last Day in Cali and our Long drive Home!

Our last day in California was more relaxed. We went to Costco and hung out around the house playing and packed up the car. I was sad that it was the last day to spend together in California and that we had to go home the next day but it is always inevitable so we made the most of it!
My mom tried to get Emmett to eat some lettuce but he was not having it! haha

That night my mom and I went to get our nails done and have some girl time together. It was a nice outing and took a lot longer than we had planned. We had to wait for a while to get in and then they just took a long time. haha I felt bad because we were there way past dinner and we knew that the kids would be super hungry by the time we got home. So instead of having to go home and make rice still we just picked up rice from a Chinese place and headed home. It was just to spend some alone time with my mom though and just chatting with her not while exercising. haha That night we played some more games to end the vacation and then went to bed. My cold that I thought was going away had come back with a vengeance and I was feeling pretty crappy!! Then of course Emmett was not sleeping that night so I ended up taking him to the couch to sleep so that Brandon could maybe get some sleep. I ended up getting maybe an hour or so of sleep that night. I was so exhausted and felt so crappy, it was not a good start to our trip home. Luckily the kids slept for a while and I was able to get some sleep in the car. Thankfully Brandon is a trooper and was able to drive while I slept. 

We finally arrived in Grand Junction and stopped for lunch at Burger King. There was really not much around and we just wanted to grab something quick so we could get back to the hotel and go swimming. The kids were super excited about eating there especially since it had a play place. Which was really the reason we decided on eating there. We figured the kids would have more fun running around and playing while eating after sitting in a car all day long. It was nasty though!! It made me realize why I had not been back to Burger Kind in YEARS..! It doesn't help that there are not many Burger Kings near us but still.. it was so gross!! We were wishing we had eaten somewhere else after that. haha 

After Nasty Burger King we headed back to the hotel and headed to the pool. It was a lot of fun and the pool was pretty warm so we were able to go swimming in the pool and hot tub. I was not feeling the greatest but I sucked it up for a while as we swam around. Ethan and Wyatt are always so funny when we go to hotels and go swimming. They love to get in the hot tub and then jump into the pool. They do it over and over again. I am not the biggest fan of getting into the pool after a hot tub since it feels so much colder but the boys seem to like the shock to their systems. Its pretty funny to watch them! Emmett was more into staying in the hot tub. He would go in the pool with us and then want back in the hot tub to just walk around and enjoy the warm water. 

After some fun swim time we got cleaned up and into PJ's and then headed to an Italian restaurant near by. It was pretty yummy and all the kids ate pretty well. We then ran into Kohls which was in the parking lot next to the restaurant to go find Brandon some sweatpants. He had decided to throw away the sweatpants he had brought to Cali because of how worn out they were and so he was wearing basketball shorts and it was really cold. So instead of having to be in shorts the next day on the rest of our drive home we found him some Bronco sweatpants to wear and he was much more comfortable after that! haha 

After some shopping we headed back to the hotel and popped some popcorn and let the kids watch some T.V before going to bed! Emmett sure loves to be with his brothers and do what his brothers are doing! 

The nice thing about hotels is that I don't care as much when they spill stuff like popcorn on a bed! I just casually told him to clean it up! haha 

The next morning we had Burger King for breakfast. Yes... I know, we did not learn our lesson from the previous day. However, they do have good french toast sticks and the kids could run around one last time before being stuck in the car for the next 5 hours. So it worked out. Emmett kept putting stuff in his mouth that fell on the floor. It is amazing that kids don't die from all the germs that they put inside themselves! haha 

Emmett was more stoked about having straws to blow the wrappers off than drinking the orange juice! haha 

The face of "Yes! We are eating this again!" At least it was better than their burgers! haha 

The boys enjoyed their breakfast and got some good energy out. Then we headed back into the car and turned on a movie and hit the highway again! 

We made it to Thornton a little after lunch time and grabbed some firehouse and then made our way finally back home. It was a lot of driving and we were glad to be home but it sure was a fun trip! The rest of the day was spent cleaning out the car and letting the kids run around. We also had one of the Bishopric members come by and give me a calling which I just got put back into being the personal progress leader so I was cool with that. We were now officially in a new ward and the next day was the first Sunday as a new ward and the bishopric were not wasting any time on getting callings established! Welcome Home! haha 

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