Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Our crazy life during the first week back to school.

All I can say is what a nut!!! haha This kid can be such a goof ball! haha 

One morning I took Wyatt and Emmett to Target and we walked over to Panera Bread to get my free Birthday treat and a free bagel. 

The boys loved the treat I got. 

It was pretty tasty if I do say so myself! :-) 

I believe this was supposed to be the planets. Either all of the planets or just Jupiter. I don't exactly remember! He was very proud of himself though. 

That Thursday after school started the VanTassels threw there annual Fort Fun patient appreciation night. So we headed over right after dinner to go have some fun. We got our faces painted and the boys rode the go carts with Brandon and one of our friends Dad's. We all waited in line for the go karts and then right as we got to the front of the line Emmett and I had to wait one more time. Emmett was flipping out. I mean seriously flipping out! He was screaming and grabbing the bar and trying to pull himself over the line to get to the go karts. Then after Brandon finally noticed us he took Emmett and we had Wyatt come back in line with me to wait one more time which Wyatt was not happy about. Wyatt gave me a super sad face and was pouting. I tried to make him feel better but it was to no avail. However, as Brandon tried to take Emmett on the worker told him that he couldn't go on. He told Brandon that Emmett was too little to ride. So I had to now take Emmett out of the line kicking and screaming. I felt so bad for him!! I wanted him to be able to go on the go karts so badly. He kept saying, "fast car!!" He was so excited and then his dreams were dashed to pieces. He wasn't even happy when I gave him ice cream. It took him a while but he was finally happy and we played a couple games and Brandon took him to play some mini golf while Ethan and Wyatt got their faces painted. 

While Brandon stood in line with the boys I took Emmett to get his face painted. As I read the list off to him and said a kitty he flipped out and kept saying, "kitty cat" so that is what he got on his face. Then when he was done I asked him if I should get a butterfly on my face which he replied, "mommy, kitty cat!" So I got a kitty cat face as well. Emmett loved that we were both kitty cats. haha Emmett is obsessed with cats right now. He is always pretending to be a kitty kat. I go in to get him from his nap and he will meow at me and then nuzzle me. haha It is quite funny and he does it all the time. haha 

The boys loved their face painting so much that they did not want to wash it off that night. 

When the pool is closed and mom is washing the car how else would you cool down in the heat. 

Car wash time!!

We don't go to the car wash all that often but when we do go the kids LOVE it. This time Emmett thought it was super cool. haha It was cute to watch him. 

We also had a lot of fun outside just hanging out. 

Then Brandon and I went on a day date to a CSU football game in the guys suite. 

It was fun!! The only problem was I got a new babysitter and we had told her 4 hours. By half time it was already the time I told our babysitter that we would be back. So I called the girl to see how she was doing and to let her know that we would be maybe 2 more hours. I would have been ok with it if she didn't sound so unhappy about it. She seemed super unsure of the chance of being with our boys for 2 more hours. Since we hitched a ride with our friends the humberts we could just leave. We finally found a way to get home. Our other friends the Rushes had 2 cars parked at his office and told us we could take one of their cars so we could get home. So we walked about a mile and a half to get to the car and we were able to make it home. The other reason I didn't want to stay was because I had told Ethan that we were going to go on our one on one date that afternoon. So we made it back and I took Ethan to go play laser tag. 

Ethan loved being out with me. After laser tag and some games we headed out to go grab a couple of things from the store and Ethan got to ride the horse all by himself. He was pretty excited about that fact! haha It is really fun to take our boys out for one on ones. It give us a chance to really talk with them and be able to stay close with them. We need to do it on a more regular basis. 

Then this picture just makes me laugh. I found these boys in the closet and Wyatt was making a bow with 2 hangers. haha Silly kid!! These boys make me laugh and have so much energy it is just crazy! Sure do love them!! 

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