Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The last few days of August

After Ethan started school again me and Wyatt and Emmett just enjoyed playing during the day and getting things done. Wyatt and Emmett have started to play well together and it is fun to watch them. However, Emmett is a pistol lately! He wants what he wants and throws a tantrum if he doesn't get it. So there have been many days of putting him in timeout because he can't seem to handle being nice to his brother. 

This is mostly the cause for Emmett not being nice to Wyatt. He wants to drive the 4wheeler and gets so mad when Wyatt won't let him or when Wyatt is riding on it and he wants to get on. One day Emmett kept screaming at Wyatt even when Wyatt was just sitting on the back trying to help him. Emmett would get so mad at him because he wanted to do it all by himself. Then Wyatt would get upset because he wanted to drive it too. It becomes a very bad situation! haha 

This was also happening at our house pretty much every day! haha I would turn around and when I looked back Emmett would be stripped from waste down and as happy as could be. His face was always lit up with joy and excitement! haha I had to keep telling him to leave his diaper on. I found him one day in his room after nap time with his diaper off. I looked on the monitor and all I could see was a bare bum in the camera. haha Thankfully he didn't pee in his bed that time. However, the next time I found him in his bed without his diaper on he had peed and I didn't know it until that night when I was putting him to bed! After changing his sheets that night to wash them I found him in the morning the same way and he had peed again!! I even was watching the monitor to make sure that when he woke up I would go get him quickly so he wouldn't strip down. Ya I wasn't fast enough. As soon as I heard noises coming from the monitor I booked it upstairs to find his pants off and his diaper not even off his legs yet. Still he had managed to pull it off and to pee all over his bed before he had even gotten the diaper completely off! Little STINKER!! 

Wyatt has gotten into playing the Wii again!! Probably because Ethan is not here to play with him all day long. So he and Emmett have started to play the Wii together. More like Wyatt plays the Wii and Emmett acts like he is playing the Wii and ends up getting smacked in the face a few times because he doesn't stay far enough away while Wyatt is swinging! haha Maybe someday he will learn! 

Water Balloon time!! 

It is so much easier dealing with the 2 kids at home. There are not as many people to yell at! haha We do miss Ethan during the day but it is good to have Wyatt and Emmett playing together more so that they can grow their relationship. Doing water balloons with them was fun because Wyatt would throw the balloon at Emmett and then Emmett would throw it at him and they would laugh and run around. Then Wyatt showed Emmett how to hit the balloon off the Tee and Emmett really liked that. They did such a good job at taking turns too! 

We had to buy Wyatt a new coat and this is the one he wanted from Costco! I think he likes it just a little bit! haha 

Emmett had also gotten really good at driving the 4wheeler all by himself. He turns and everything and doesn't crash into really anything. It is pretty impressive to watch my 2 year old drive around this thing so well. 

Preschool Open House!! 
On August 31st we had Wyatts open house for Preschool. We got to go and meet his teacher and see where he would be playing and learning. He was pretty excited to go. He also acted really shy while we were there. He is always super shy right off the bat. 

They got to look around and see where the books, bathroom and puzzles were and then practice writing their names. We had practiced this summer but have not done it in a long time. It is so fun to watch them write when they first start to learn. He was so excited to start preschool and couldn't wait to he officially started that following Tuesday! 

These pictures were taken from a friend in our Ward. She texted me and said that Ethan and Wyatt were both picked to help out in singing time and that it was the cutest thing. She said that they looked so cute up there and they were helping each other out like cute brothers do. So she took pictures and sent them to me. I was so happy that she had!! She wasn't the only one that said it was the cutest thing to watch. Brandon also heard from other people that they were being so cute being up front together!! So I am so glad she took pictures so I could have this in here to remember! I love how much they love each other!! 

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