Monday, November 24, 2014


We started our Halloween morning off with Jack-o-lantern pancakes! haha The boys thought they were pretty awesome! Then we went to Walmart to grab some things for the crafts that I wanted to do with the boys that day. Then got home and made a few Halloween crafts that the boys had fun with. Then it was lunch time and nap time. 

While checking out at Walmart the boys were given some candy!Wyatt picked a taffy and it was super stringy. So I had to take a picture! haha 

 Then Ethan wanted me to take a picture of him eating his candy! haha 

Then we made spider hats! (thank you pinterest!)

Then cotton ball ghosts! 

I think the boys had fun with the little crafts! 
But I think the spider hats were more of a hit than the cotton ball ghosts. Since they could actually play with them! 

My silly spiders! :-)

After naps and while I was getting dinner ready, I set up foam cups with ghost faces around our house and had the boys go around and shoot them down! haha

Ethan LOVED it! Wyatt couldnt cock his gun by himself so by the time he would get it ready to shoot again the ghosts were normally all shot down. Thankfully they were easy to put back up! haha I then had Ethan try putting them places and then have Wyatt help him shoot them down! They thought it was pretty fun! 

These boys are such cute ninja turtles!! 

While we were trick or treating Wyatt starting telling me to be quiet and to tip toe! haha He kept holding his finger to his mouth and telling me to "shh" haha Then he would walk very quietly and tip toe to the door! He is such a funny kid! 

After dinner that night we got to go out and go Trick or Treating. Some kids started really early and the boys had so much fun running to the door when they heard the door bell ring. I think they would have been happy with just running to the door for the other trick or treaters that night without even going trick or treating themselves. However, we went and the boys did good and had fun. We made it around our street and then Ethan wanted to go home because his legs were tired and he was cold. Wyatt wasnt lasting any longer either. He kept wanting me to carry him or his bucket. haha So we went to one last house... our own! haha The kids knocked and said "Trick or Treat" to their dad and they thought that was pretty funny! :-) 

Our pumpkin family! Poor Brandon didnt get to carve his because we opened it up only to find out that it was moldy inside! Lame! 

The boys were so excited about all the candy they got and after eating a few pieces were on a complete sugar high. It was really hard to get them to bed that night! Maybe we should have saved the candy eating till the next day! haha 
Then Brandon and I finished off the night watching.... "Star gate" haha Ya not really the best Halloween movie but, there was really nothing good on and we are not fans of scary movies. Anyways, it turned out to be a pretty good Halloween!  

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