Friday, November 21, 2014

Part 4 Birthday Boys

The Friday that my parents were here it was both my Dad's and Wyatts birthday's. It was a fun filled day! :-) We started off the morning with a pancake breakfast for the boys. Ethan and Wyatt always enjoy the streamer decorations but mostly like them because they pull them down and then want to use them as their ninja headbands so they can be ninja turtles. Then after breakfast we gave Wyatt his first present for the day, his very own bike! :-) He was super excited to have his own bike. He always wanted to try and ride Ethan's but first he is too small and second Ethan's bike does not have training wheels. So it would never work for him yet! So we got him his own bike! He wanted to ride it all the time when he got it and rode it for the first time! After that we dropped the boys off at my friends Trisa's house so that me, Brandon and my parents could go golfing! We surprised my dad with some donuts since he had been wanting some old fashioned donuts so we got some for when we went golfing. Later that day we did presents and had cake! It was a fun filled day and I can't believe Wyatt is already 2. Enjoy the pics...

Enjoying his pancake with whip cream and peaches! (realized when making breakfast that we were out of syrup! haha) 

He sure loves his bike! And he picked up on it pretty quick! 

Then off for some golf! 

I dont know what it is about golfing with my parents but I swear everytime we do golf with them I am completely terrible at my golf game! My parents always show me up! haha Maybe Im just trying to impress too much! haha

Wyatt loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse right now so I thought he would enjoy a Mickey cake! 
I think it turned out pretty good! 

We also made an asphalt pie (like wingers) for my dad! We made some homemade hot fudge (compliments of Brandon's aunt Penny), along with some homemade carmel sauce and poured it all over the ice cream pie! It was really yummy! 

Wyatt was pretty excited to see his Mickey cake! 

But, I think they were more excited to eat it! haha What a cute little group!


Wyatt had a lot to open for his birthday with his presents from us and presents from Grandpa and GG. He was in heaven! Ethan had a hard time with it being Wyatt's birthday and not having any presents that he got to open! I have a feeling they are going to love christmas this year! haha

Then my dad got to open a couple presents from my mom! 

Then even my mom got to open a present! It was what we got her from our D.R trip! 

We got her a bracelet with the D.R's main stone it was pretty and she liked it! 

Then my dad got to open what we got for him from the D.R. haha It was something he never expected! 

But, it gave him a good laugh! :-) We had him open it while the boys were outside playing. I didnt need them thinking it was funny to do things like this! Especially with them being so little! But we all got a kick out of it! haha 

The boys got to play outside for a little bit with Wyatt's new bubble gun! 

All in all it was a successful Birthday! 
Just a little bit on Wyatt for his 2 year update! He has so much personality and talks so well! He totally impressed my parents with his vocabulary! He can say most things and always tries to say whatever his brother says. He is a copy cat a lot of the time with what we say. If we tell Ethan to do something he will tell him to do it too! He has just grown up so much and I can't believe that this little guy is already 2 and I am so thankful for him being in our family! He is a constant joy to us and has such a sweet heart! He will just randomly come up to me and tell me he loves me and give me a hug! It is the best!! He thinks he can do whatever Ethan can do and is the one that will go anywhere without regard to danger. There have been a few times where he will just walk out into the street without us seeing or without looking for cars! It scares me so much and that is one thing we have been trying to teach him not to do! We sure do love this little guy and are excited to see  how much he grows and what new things he will do this next year!!! 

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