Monday, November 24, 2014


So about 8 months ago while exercising at the gym trying to get as fit as can be for our D.R trip Brandon gave himself a Hernia. It never really bugged him except for when he coughed or sneezed, ect. However, the only way to fix it is with surgery. So after our D.R trip and making it through summer and into a new insurance year we decided it was probably time to get it taken care of before it did cause him a problem. So he got it scheduled and we went in on November 4th. It was really weird being on the outside looking in. I am so used to being the one hooked up to I.V's and from Wyatts birth getting cut open. So it was weird watching him get the I.V and being asked all the questions. Then it was really weird waiting in the waiting room for him to be done. The only hard part for me with the surgery was knowing that when they were about to roll him back that he was nervous. I could see it in his eyes. It really is not fun knowing that you can't do anything to help your loved one. So Once he went back I now had to wait for the next hour to hear how things went! 

Brandon's first I.V 

What we thought would be a quick morning turned out to be much longer. We thought we would be home by 10. Since we had a lady from our ward watching Wyatt (Ethan was at Preschool) I decided at 10:30 to go home and get Wyatt because the Doctor told me that Brandon was out of surgery but still asleep and it would be another hour before I could see him. So I went to relieve the babysitter and take Wyatt with me back to the surgery center! When we got there Brandon was awake and we were able to go back and see him. It was really weird seeing Brandon all drowsy and out of it from the surgery, remembering when I was in that position after having Wyatt. Then helping Brandon get dressed for the first time and him almost passing out and having to help him walk slowly back to the bed was so crazy!! Although, I must say it worked out well that I have had a C-section because I was able to give him a few pointers on what to do to help him be more comfortable and just other random things that I never thought I would or hoped I wouldn't have to use again! However, it worked to our advantage! After getting Brandon home it was 1 o'clock and we were all starving. So I dropped Brandon off at home and took the boys to go grab lunch and Brandon's pain meds. By the time we got back it was after 2 and the boys went down for naps and I was beat! haha We ended up having some pasta skillet meal that night for dinner from Costco because I didnt have time to cook anything. It was a really long day! haha Then the next day Brandon wasn't taking his pain meds because he said they were not helping him. So we looked on the bottle and they were not even his meds!! It was so for some lady! I was FURIOUS!!! The mama bear inside of me was coming out and I wanted to rip the pharmacy a new one!! I went back to Walgreens and tried to make a fuss but the lady at the front didn't seem to care (besides I am bad at being mean haha). After getting the right bottle I got home and opened it and went to give Brandon his new meds. I then was looking at the pills and realized that they looked the exact same as the ones we just took back. So we looked into it more and come to find out the bottle was just mislabeled but we had actually had the right pills the whole time. Brandon then got like 3 calls from the pharmacy apologizing and then letting us know that the pills were right all along. So it was all fine and Brandon had not taken some random pill for some other lady! haha The rest of the week was spent trying to keep the boys away from their dad so they wouldn't jump on him and getting Brandon what he needed when he needed it. Thankfully he had no complications and after the week mark was feeling pretty good. He went back to work that following Wednesday and although felt sore by the end of the day was able to make it through. He is now I would say 100% better for the most part. He still can't twist certain ways without feeling it pull. So it will be a little longer before his body is completely used to having the adjustment made! But, he is doing well and healthy and things went smoothly and that is all we care about!! Thank goodness for modern day medicine and technology! 

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