Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Christmas Day 2018

Christmas morning started early! The boys came in super excited that Santa had come. Ethan was the first one to come in our room and say that Santa had come. He was also super excited because Santa had wrote his back with how many cookies he eats Christmas Eve. So Brandon and I got up and dressed and headed downstairs. The kids were so happy and excited and they were ready to dive into their stockings. Which Ethan agrees is the best part of Christmas morning. That was always my favorite part.

Baby Jesus also arrived in his manger! The kids love seeing the baby Jesus in his manger that they worked so hard to fill by doing service and nice things for others. He is always right in front of the tree on Christmas morning.

After looking at all the presents under the tree the kids were ready to open up their stockings! 

They got so many cool things! Emmett of course couldn't wait to dig into his candy and bubble gum that he had gotten in his stocking.

Good morning my love!😍

Then after the kids opened their stockings Daddy got to open his from me. I got him some pants and a new body spray.

He got some socks too!

Santa gave all of us some matching socks!! Since I am the only girl in this family I am the only one that gets different ones! haha We all loved our fuzzy socks!! The boys especially thought they were fun after Dad showed them that they could slide on the hardwood floor really well. haha

Look at that tree full of presents! 

After stockings it was time to open up the present that Santa brought them.

Emmett was super excited to open his. He got a new train set! He didn't really tell Santa what he wanted this year so Santa just did his best. He liked his train set but he wasn't super excited about it. He was more excited about just opening the presents. 

Wyatt on the other hand....

Got a vivofit watch and was so stoked!! I loved his reaction!

He was so happy Santa had gotten him one of these watches. He had been wanting one for a long time. 

Ethan was also super excited about what he got from Santa.. 

This was his excited face when he saw he got a.. BOX! haha Kind of the thing we always say in our house. When we open up a present and its in a box we say, "YAY!! Its a box!!"haha So he put on a good show when he saw a box. haha 

However, that turned to true happiness when he saw what Santa had brought him.

He got these cool magnetic ball things. They are super strong magnets and he was so happy. Christmas could have been done after that! haha

Look at these cuties!!!! These faces always make Christmas even better!

Wyatt made me this snowman at school. He was so excited to give it to me! He kept telling me to be super careful when I opened it because it was very fragile! So I made sure I was careful. He was super proud of his work on his gift for me. I just love how excited he was to give me his gift he had worked so hard on!! 

He also made his Dad this snowman! He was also very excited to give Dad his present from him. He worked so hard on both of them. 

Cleaning up their stocking stuff so they had room to sit. haha

Annual Christmas cereal breakfast! 

Then it was time to open the rest of the presents. After breakfast the kids were able to give each other their presents that they had gotten for each other. I know they don't use their money to buy their brothers gifts yet but I love how excited they are to give to their brothers. It is such a sweet thing to not just see them excited about getting presents but how excited they are to give presents. I love it! So I have to get a few pictures of them hugging each other! haha

Brotherly love!

We also noticed that Santa ate all his cookies and drank his milk at our house.

I just love all the hugs!!! Christmas morning was a good one this year! The kids loved getting their presents and loved giving presents they had gotten for each other. It was a good morning. 

The rest of the day wasn't as smooth. Ethan kept grabbing his brothers stuff and then would get all mad when they would touch his stuff. It was mostly Ethan and Emmett (our blue eyes) that fought a lot that day. It was getting very tiresome. There were a few breakdowns and lots of arguing the rest of that day. Thankfully the morning went well or we may have canceled Christmas at the last minute! haha

The boys got this from Grandpa and GG. They thought there were 2 of them but there was only 1. So we blew it up and then Wyatt had fun just bouncing off the walls in the kitchen. haha 

Then the kids wanted to go play some laser tag in the basement.

We had to go in the basement and turn off the lights in order to play laser tag. It was fun running around the basement with the kids. We took turns with who was on whose team and played a few times.

After dinner the kids and Dad ran around some more playing a little bit more laser tag before calling it a night. Overall it was a good Christmas! The morning was great and although we had to deal with kids fighting over not touching their stuff and other things it went pretty well. See you next year Christmas!

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