Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Trip to Nebraska

October was a pretty busy month. We made a quick trip over to Lincoln Nebraska for the weekend to get some design stuff done for Brandon and Travis's new office building that they were getting into (Which is not happening anymore due to a fall out with another couple in the project with them). So we decided to make a weekend of it and spend time with Ty and Vandy's family. Ty and Vandy were willing to watch our boys for us all day Friday while we were off doing design stuff. Then we spent Saturday and Sunday morning with them before heading home. 

Road TRIP!!! They boys love going on trips. Not the long drives but they love visiting cousins. 

We stopped at this cool gas station and went to the bathroom and looked around for a little bit. 

I told the boys to take a picture with this CNEMA thing and they did not want to. So I had them take a picture of me. haha

After I took a picture they were more willing to take one as well. haha We are such goofs!! :-) 

Emmett had a Mickey activity book for the drive and when we got out to take a potty break and stretch our legs I found most of Emmetts stickers on the back of his pants. haha How they got there while he was buckled up for a few hours I have no idea! haha He is talented! That is all I can say! haha 

After a busy Friday we got to spend Saturday with Ty and Vandy and their kids. We ended up going to Scheels and going on the Farris wheel and walking around for a while. Which the kids loved! 

Nothing better than going on a Farris Wheel indoors. 

Sunday Morning we were able to enjoy a little bit of conference and Monkey Bread before taking our drive back home. 

We let the boys pick out a treat at the gas station and this particular time on our way home Emmett decided that he wanted his own Hot Cheetos. haha His face is classic!!! He always says he wants them but then complains that they are spicy! haha What a silly kid! Anyways, it was a quick trip but we got what we needed to get done done and were able to have a little bit of fun as well. Sadly, I wasn't feeling that great for most of the trip. This pregnancy has been pretty rough! We were not planning on telling Ty and Vandy that we were pregnant at that point but it seemed pointless to keep it from them when I felt so sick to my stomach most of the time. So they were the first to know that we were expecting. Which made it better because I had a better excuse for why I felt so awful! haha Quick trip but it was fun to hang out with them and the kids always have so much fun with their cousins! 

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